
Soak tangerine peel in water to drink, remember "2 want 2 don't"! Otherwise, it will hurt the liver and stomach, and drinking health water will hurt the body!

author:Idle Lamb eZK

As a doctor who has been engaged in TCM clinical practice for many years, I often encounter patients who are ineffective or even counterproductive when pursuing traditional health care methods because of some basic misunderstandings. As a Chinese herbal medicine, tangerine peel is widely used because of its unique effects of strengthening the stomach and eliminating appetite, soothing the liver and regulating qi, especially tangerine peel soaking in water, which has become a convenient choice for many people. However, proper brewing methods and precautions are often overlooked, resulting in many people reporting poor results or discomfort.

Soak tangerine peel in water to drink, remember "2 want 2 don't"! Otherwise, it will hurt the liver and stomach, and drinking health water will hurt the body!

Once, a middle-aged male patient came to my office and complained that he had been suffering from stomach upset lately, as a result of drinking tangerine peel water for a long time. His original intention was to improve digestion and alleviate stomach bloating by drinking tangerine peel water. I found that there were two major problems with his method of soaking in water: one was that he used too much tangerine peel, using almost half a packet of tangerine peel for each soaking, and the other was that he soaked in water for too long, sometimes even more than 24 hours. Long-term exposure to certain components in tangerine peel at high concentrations not only burdened the liver and stomach, but also aggravated his stomach discomfort.

The "2 Musts" of Proper Soaking in Water

1. Choose the right tangerine peel

Choosing high-quality tangerine peel is the first step to ensuring a healthy effect. A good quality tangerine peel usually has a dark brown or orange-yellow skin with a dry surface and no mold spots. If you put a handful of tangerine peel in your hand, you should be able to smell a faint aroma of orange peel, not a musty or other peculiar smell. The texture of high-quality tangerine peel is relatively hard and not easy to break, and the loose fibrous structure of the inner layer can be seen after breaking, which indicates that it is dry enough to help preserve its active ingredients for a long time.

Soak tangerine peel in water to drink, remember "2 want 2 don't"! Otherwise, it will hurt the liver and stomach, and drinking health water will hurt the body!

2. Know the correct temperature for soaking water

The temperature of soaking water is crucial for the extraction of the active ingredients in tangerine peel. The ideal water temperature should be between 85°C and 90°C. This temperature range helps to maximize the aroma and beneficial oils in tangerine peel without damaging the vitamins and other sensitive components that are susceptible to heat. Using excessively hot water may make the tangerine peel taste bitter and reduce its health preservation effect. To brew, you can put the tangerine peel into a cup, pour in water that is close to boiling, and then wait for a while to allow the water temperature to naturally drop to the appropriate range, and then start soaking. Usually, it can be soaked for 5 to 10 minutes, which can not only fully extract the active ingredients, but also maintain the aroma and taste of tangerine peel.

"2 Don'ts" to avoid when soaking in water

As a popular traditional health preservation method, the correct way of soaking tangerine peel is very important. In order to avoid turning health water into water that hurts the body, there are two things that must be avoided when soaking in water:

1. Don't overdo it

Tangerine peel is good, but it's not "more is better". Moderate soaking is key. It is generally recommended to use about 3 to 5 grams of dried tangerine peel each time and soak it with about 500 ml of water. Excessive soaking in water may not only cause the soaking water to taste too strong and not be acceptable, but more importantly, excessive intake may cause unnecessary irritation and burden to the stomach and intestines, especially for patients with gastric acid, gastritis or gastric ulcers, excessive tangerine peel may aggravate the condition.

Soak tangerine peel in water to drink, remember "2 want 2 don't"! Otherwise, it will hurt the liver and stomach, and drinking health water will hurt the body!

2. Don't soak for long periods of time

When soaking tangerine peel water, the soaking time should also be appropriate. Usually, 5 to 10 minutes of soaking in water is sufficient. Although soaking for a long time can make the water darker and more flavorful, it may also cause excessive release of certain components in the tangerine peel, including certain oils and bitter substances in the tangerine peel, which may not only affect the taste and make it difficult to soak in the water, but also cause a burden on the liver and stomach if you consume these ingredients in excess for a long time.

Practical tip: How to soak tangerine peel in water every day

As an ancient and popular method of traditional Chinese medicine, tangerine peel soaking water can not only improve physical health, but also easily integrate into daily life. Here are a few innovative and practical ways to help you get the most out of your tangerine peel soaking water.

Wake up with a glass of tangerine peel water in the morning

In the morning, the body needs to flush out toxins and waste products that accumulate during the night. Drinking a glass of mild tangerine peel water can stimulate gastrointestinal peristalsis and help the digestive system start smoothly. It is recommended to soak it in warm water, and a small amount of honey can be added to add flavor and honey to help moisten the intestines.

Consume tangerine peel tea after meals

A cup of tangerine peel tea after a meal can not only help digestion, but also reduce the burden of greasy. Steeped dried tangerine peel with a dash of tea leaves (such as pu-erh or oolong) enhances the cellulite effect, while the aroma of tangerine peel and the fragrance of tea leaves complement each other for a better taste.

Milk with tangerine peel before bedtime

Drinking a glass of warm milk with tangerine peel before bed can help improve sleep. Milk itself contains tryptophan, which promotes sleep, while tangerine peel enhances its calming effect. Gently boiling tangerine peel pieces with milk and cooling to the right temperature before drinking, this combination helps to relax the body and mind and improve sleep quality.

Healthy dessert options

When making jellies, puddings or other desserts, adding some ground tangerine peel can enhance the flavor of the dessert and give it the effect of digesting and strengthening the stomach. The addition of tangerine peel powder not only adds a unique citrus aroma, but also makes the dessert healthier.

A wellness assistant in the office

For people who often need to work in the office, keeping a bottle of tangerine peel water is an easy way to maintain a regimen. You can put the dried tangerine peel slices in a water bottle on your desk and add hot water to brew again at any time. This will not only refresh the mind, but also replenish water at all times and promote good health.

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