
Benefits of soaking tangerine peel in water What is the best amount of tangerine peel soaked in water to drink

author:99 Health Net

With the improvement of people's living standards, the awareness of paying attention to personal health and wellness is also increasing, and everyone expects to have a healthy and long-lived body.

In daily life, many people like to use tangerine peel to soak in water to drink, tangerine peel as a Chinese herbal medicine with high medicinal value, if you insist on drinking it every day, it can bring many health benefits.

Benefits of soaking tangerine peel in water What is the best amount of tangerine peel soaked in water to drink


The benefits of soaking tangerine peel in water to drink

Improved digestion

Tangerine peel contains volatile oils and flavonoids, which can promote the secretion of digestive juices, help improve the function of the digestive system, and relieve stomach bloating and indigestion.

Respiratory health

The volatile oil component of tangerine peel can help relieve certain respiratory problems, such as chest tightness and coughing.

Antioxidant effect

Tangerine peel contains vitamin C and other antioxidants that can help fight free radicals and reduce oxidative stress, thereby helping to prevent cell damage and disease.

Cardiovascular health

Certain components in tangerine peel, such as hesperidin, have been found to be beneficial to the cardiovascular system, increasing blood vessel elasticity, lowering blood pressure, and helping to prevent cardiovascular disease.

Helps lose weight

The ingredients in tangerine peel may help reduce appetite and fat absorption, so it is considered a potential weight loss aid.

Antimicrobial action

Tangerine peel has certain antibacterial properties that can help fight infection.

Benefits of soaking tangerine peel in water What is the best amount of tangerine peel soaked in water to drink


What is the best amount of tangerine peel to drink in water

The optimal amount of tangerine peel soaked in water varies from person to person, depending on the individual's physical condition and health condition. In general, adults can refer to the following suggestions:

Healthy people

Soak about 3 to 5 grams of tangerine peel in water every day, you can start with a smaller amount and gradually adjust it according to your personal taste and body reaction.

For specific health purposes

If it is to treat a specific condition or improve a specific health problem, the dosage may need to be adjusted according to your doctor's recommendations.

Long-term drinkers

Regular users who have been drinking tangerine peel water for a long time may use higher doses based on personal experience and habits, but it is generally not recommended to exceed 10 grams per day.

When soaking in water, tangerine peel can be cut into small pieces or torn into small pieces, brewed with boiling water, and soaked for a period of time to extract its active ingredients. Tangerine peel water can be brewed several times until the taste fades.

It's important to note that despite its many health benefits, tangerine peel isn't a panacea and isn't for everyone. Pregnant women, lactating women, children, and people with allergies to tangerine peel or its components should avoid use or use it under the guidance of a doctor.

Benefits of soaking tangerine peel in water What is the best amount of tangerine peel soaked in water to drink


Tangerine peel with other ingredients

What are the health effects?


Tangerine peel and tea leaves (such as Pu'er tea, green tea, black tea, etc.) can be combined to add the aroma of tea, while the volatile oil of tangerine peel can promote the dissolution of the active ingredients of tea, which helps digestion and weight loss.


A small amount of honey can be added to the tangerine peel soaked in water to improve the taste, and at the same time, honey has the effect of moistening the lungs and relieving cough, beautifying the skin, and together with tangerine peel, it can relieve throat discomfort and improve respiratory health.


Tangerine peel and hawthorn can be used for symptoms such as indigestion and food accumulation, both of which have a digestive effect, and can be used together to enhance the effect.


Red jujube has the effect of nourishing blood and calming the nerves, and soaking it with tangerine peel can replenish qi and nourish blood, which is suitable for people with qi and blood deficiency.


Goji berries have the effect of nourishing the kidneys and nourishing the liver, and drinking together with tangerine peel can nourish the liver and kidneys, and are suitable for people with liver and kidney loss.


Ginger has the effect of dissipating cold and relieving nausea in warmth, and can be used for cold vomiting, abdominal pain and other symptoms together with tangerine peel.

When pairing tangerine peel and other ingredients, you should pay attention to the nature of the ingredients and your personal physique to ensure a healthy effect. For example, if you have a hot constitution or have symptoms such as a cold or fever, you should avoid using warm ingredients such as ginger and osmanthus. In addition, pregnant women, lactating women, or people with specific health problems should use it under the guidance of a doctor.

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