
What kind of parents are easy to make teachers "disgusted"? Teachers don't say explicitly, parents need to have a good idea

What kind of parents are easy to make teachers "disgusted"? Teachers don't say explicitly, parents need to have a good idea

After children go to school, parents inevitably have to deal with teachers. Among them, there will definitely be some teachers who make parents feel uncomfortable and secretly complain behind their backs.

Similarly, for teachers, there are some parents who also give them a headache and want to hide far away when they see them.

My friend is a junior high school teacher, just took a new class in the first year of junior high this year, her mobile phone is about to explode these days, and she receives a bunch of short messages from parents every day, some are communicating with the teacher normally, and some are all kinds of "strange" requirements that make people cry and laugh.

My friend helplessly told me that after being a teacher for so many years, what kind of "strange" parents have seen, although professional ethics require teachers to treat parents equally, but to be honest, some parents really make teachers big-headed, and they can't wait to stay away.

What kind of parents are easy to make teachers "disgusted"? Teachers don't say explicitly, parents need to have a good idea

1. Parents who treat teachers as "servants"

"There are really parents who treat teachers as 'servants' and give them all kinds of command. And there are quite a few of them! "I was shocked to hear my friend say that.

"Teacher, trouble let the *** drink some water at the end of each class!"

"Teacher, you stare at a little ***, let him finish his homework in self-study class."

"*** How much did you eat at noon today? Why didn't he finish eating, teacher, you have to watch him! ”


Friends feel very helpless when they receive such text messages every day, it stands to reason that junior high school children should have enough self-care ability, but many parents still like to direct teachers to take good care of their children.

What kind of parents are easy to make teachers "disgusted"? Teachers don't say explicitly, parents need to have a good idea

From kindergarten to high school, almost all teachers are especially afraid of this kind of parent, sending you various text messages all day long to let you take care of your own children, and making all kinds of inexplicable requests to you.

I saw a screenshot of a strange chat record before, the child's mother not only asked the teacher to put sesame seeds in the child's meal on time and in quantity, but also asked the teacher to record the whole process of the child's meal.

What kind of parents are easy to make teachers "disgusted"? Teachers don't say explicitly, parents need to have a good idea

Such parents not only direct teachers to manage their own children, but also like to interfere with teachers' daily teaching.

One moment I feel that there is too much homework, one moment I think the teacher is not strict, one moment I think that the teaching progress is different from other classes, and the other I think that the teacher did not ask his own children in class today...

In short, no matter what the teacher did or how he did it, he felt dissatisfied. Not only that, such parents often have extreme personalities, as long as the teacher is not satisfied, they will immediately return to the teacher, making the teacher miserable.

What kind of parents are easy to make teachers "disgusted"? Teachers don't say explicitly, parents need to have a good idea

2. Parents of "stealth"

When children are thrown to school, parents are "invisible", and this kind of parents make teachers very helpless.

"My child will be handed over to you later", "stealth" parents think that after the child goes to school, education is a problem for the teacher and the school, and if the child has a problem, the teacher should be responsible, not the parent.

So when the child goes to school, the parents disappear immediately. Every day is either overtime, or business trips, in short, there is no time.

Friends helplessly said, this kind of parents you lose their temper still can't get up, their attitude is always very good, no matter what you say, he will say good, and then add at the end of the conversation "Teacher, my child you can dispose of at will, in short, it depends on you, you bother." ”

One sentence leaves you speechless.

Children are the result of joint education at home and school, only the teacher makes efforts, but the parents do the palm cabinet, the teacher will only feel powerless, and finally give up slowly.

What kind of parents are easy to make teachers "disgusted"? Teachers don't say explicitly, parents need to have a good idea

3. Parents with mobility problems

Some parents have a particularly good attitude, promising to do well every time, but never implementing it, and this kind of parents also gives teachers a headache.

Friends have met this kind of parents, talked seriously with their mothers about their children's problems, and pointed out in great detail the places where parents need to cooperate, hoping that both sides will work together to push their children up.

As a result, the child's daily homework is still not completed, the content required to be memorized is still taken as a deaf ear, and the calculation exercises left by the teacher alone for him every day are still scribbled to cope with things.

A friend contacted the child's mother, and the child's mother said, "I said he was there, he didn't listen, and I couldn't help it!" ”

A deep sense of powerlessness left the friend speechless.

Hu Pingping, deputy director of the Basic Education Quality Monitoring Center, said: "Internationally and we have done testing of student scores, and the first factor affecting it is the student's family and himself, and we collectively refer to them as individual differences, accounting for 60% to 65% of the share, which is the biggest factor in the left and right scores." The second is the regional ecology and atmosphere, as well as regional support for education, accounting for about 20% to 25%; The third is schools, with an impact of only 10 to 15 percent. ”

When encountering parents who have no mobility, no methods, and cannot cooperate, it is in vain for teachers to give their strength.

What kind of parents are easy to make teachers "disgusted"? Teachers don't say explicitly, parents need to have a good idea

The communication between parents and teachers deeply affects the relationship between teachers and children.

Those parents who respect the teacher, can actively cooperate with the teacher, and have strong execution, the teacher will naturally pay more attention to your child. Therefore, if you want the teacher to pay more attention to your baby, it is not determined by how many gifts to give, but you are a reliable and trustworthy partner in the teacher's heart.

Respect and recognize teachers

Don't dictate to the teacher, and don't spit on the teacher in front of the child.

It is necessary to affirm the teacher's help and guidance and express a positive and cooperative attitude.

What kind of parents are easy to make teachers "disgusted"? Teachers don't say explicitly, parents need to have a good idea

Give active support and cooperation

Actively cooperate with teachers in their teaching work. Especially for family education where teachers need the cooperation of parents, parents must keep up, complete, and learn to cooperate with teachers to ensure that children can grow up quickly.

Positive communication

Don't be a "talking parent" or a "disappearing parent".

You can maintain the frequency of communication once a month, understand the child's situation at school, and give back the child's learning status at home in time. If there is hope that the teacher is concerned, it is necessary to share the specific situation, rather than general and vague expressions.

What kind of parents are easy to make teachers "disgusted"? Teachers don't say explicitly, parents need to have a good idea

An excellent child is the result of a joint uplift from family and school.

While teachers and children are working hard, parents must not delay their legs, but actively cooperate to achieve home-school co-education and help their children's growth.

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