
Harvard's 76-year study: For men, mastering a sense of proportion equals mastering success

A team of researchers at Harvard University opened an experiment in 1938 that has been going on for 76 years now.

During the 76 years of the experiment, the project's researchers tracked and recorded details of the lives of more than 700 men, continuously recorded the lives and work status of these men from adolescence to old age, and summarized the health status of these men, analyzed and summarized them.

This research is still ongoing today. In 1938, a team of researchers at Harvard University selected two types of researchers who lived in different environments.

Harvard's 76-year study: For men, mastering a sense of proportion equals mastering success

The first study object was from the Harvard Undergraduate School. The researchers randomly selected 268 sophomores from Harvard University, most of whom fought in World War II for the rest of their lives.

The second group of subjects, from Boston's poorest slums, selected 456 young boys from poor families in the slums, all from the most difficult families at the time, who grew up in cheap apartments and lived a life without food, clothing and warmth.

Later, these two groups of research subjects were also called the most thorough mice in the history of human research. In the course of 76 years of experimental observation, these two groups of experimental subjects have gradually grown into adults and entered different social fields and social classes.

Harvard's 76-year study: For men, mastering a sense of proportion equals mastering success

Some became workers, some became doctors, some became lawyers, some became police officers.

There is no shortage of people who have become drunks who have nothing to do all day and only drink heavily, and some who have suffered from mental illness. Some people can continue to struggle from the bottom of society to success by relying on their own efforts. There are also some people who are born in wealthy families, but do not know how to cherish opportunities, and eventually willing to fall.

In the lifetime of these experimental subjects, they not only experienced the Second World War, but also experienced the Great Depression, economic recovery, financial crisis and other major events of the times, at the same time, they also experienced schooling, dropping out of school, working, leaving, getting married and having children, divorce, election, failure, comeback, collapse and so on.

In the process of experimentation, some people successfully and peacefully spent their lives, experienced all the stages of life, and passed away peacefully in their old age. There are also those who die in war, in starvation, and even some who self-destruct their health and lose their lives.

Harvard's 76-year study: For men, mastering a sense of proportion equals mastering success

Among the more than 700 subjects, there were also four members of the U.S. Senate, a cabinet member, and a U.S. president, who was none other than John F. Kennedy.

According to the interview data and medical data recorded by researchers over the past 76 years, it is not difficult for us to find a fact, that is, people who can grasp the sense of proportion in life can have better interpersonal relationships and live a happier life.

In fact, the highest state of being a human being is to grasp the sense of proportion, which seems simple, but it is really very difficult to do. It is even more difficult for those who are paranoid or have experienced ups and downs.

Harvard's 76-year study: For men, mastering a sense of proportion equals mastering success

The implications of the Harvard experimental team after 76 years of observation are:

1. Be a person with a sense of proportion and pay attention to the construction of social relations

Experiments have found that among more than 700 study subjects, people who can have good social and interpersonal relationships generally have a higher sense of happiness and healthier health. Even the most ordinary people living at the bottom of society will have a smooth life and will not fall into too big a predicament.

Therefore, researchers remind people that loneliness is not terrible, but if you maintain a lonely state for a long time, it may bring harm to people's physical health, mental health, and affect the quality of life to a certain extent.

Harvard's 76-year study: For men, mastering a sense of proportion equals mastering success

2. Be a person with a sense of proportion and value the quality of interpersonal relationships

The researchers found that among the subjects, those with good family relations and harmonious marriages generally lived happier lives.

Researchers believe that people who are able to have an intimate relationship in their lives are usually able to stimulate more vitality in individuals.

This vitality fundamentally comes from high-quality interpersonal relationships, and people with a sense of proportion are able to maintain their physical and mental pleasure at all times, and put themselves in a harmonious and harmonious interpersonal relationship.

Harvard's 76-year study: For men, mastering a sense of proportion equals mastering success

3. People with a sense of proportion have a grander worldview

Be a person with a sense of proportion, and be more concerned about what role you will play in others or society in life. The researchers found that among more than 700 study subjects, those who were willing to help others and give themselves were generally able to have better relationships.

Thus obtaining a high degree of self-recognition, stimulating their sense of social responsibility, so that their hearts are satisfied to the greatest extent.

Harvard's 76-year study: For men, mastering a sense of proportion equals mastering success

It is reported that the experimental research of Harvard University is still in progress, and more and more data analysis and induction will continue to analyze human nature and the laws of survival, and will continue to provide us with reference and life guidance.

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