
Fudan pediatrics new crown close contact newborn discharge has exceeded 100 cases, the ward of this group of "big white mothers" care for small lives

Today is "Mother's Day", in the forefront of the fight against the new crown epidemic, there is a group of temporary "big white mothers", in the great Shanghai defense war, the responsibility to defend the soil, defend the soil, and launch a series of charges to win this big battle as soon as possible. On May 2, Xiaoyu (pseudonym), who is a designated hospital in Bed 100, Ward 68, Children's Hospital affiliated to Fudan University, was discharged from the hospital by his grandfather, which also became the 100th close-knit newborn in Fudan Pediatrics. As of the 6th, Fudan Pediatrics has treated a total of 156 close-contact newborns born to new crown-positive pregnant women, and 110 cases have been discharged from the hospital.

According to the unified deployment of the Shanghai Municipal Health Commission, the Children's Hospital affiliated to Fudan University is "in danger" to undertake the reception of newborns born to new crown-positive mothers in the city. In order to better do a good job in epidemic prevention and control and the treatment of children, the hospital decided to immediately use the "Little Red Chamber" and set up ward 68 as a designated treatment area for newborns delivered by close newborns and new crown positive mothers.

Cao Yun, director of the Department of Neonatology, led the medical team to prepare the layout and materials of the ward, from the first incubator, the first ventilator, to the first monitor, infusion pump, light therapy instrument, a newborn treatment unit and bed unit were quickly established. With the full cooperation and help of Director Liu Gongbao of the Medical Department, Director Gu Ying of the Nursing Department, and Director Wang Chuanqing of the Department of Hospital Infection, a medical team was quickly set up to formulate the admission and discharge process and ward management system, and the work gradually entered the right track. On 30 March, the first newborn delivered by a COVID-19-positive mother was admitted.

Rescue the first critically ill severe asphyxia child overnight... After the work of the ward was carried out, various critical care tasks followed. As a close-knit newborn treatment area, Ward 68 receives newborns born to COVID-19-positive mothers from various designated hospitals in Shanghai every day, including many preterm babies, respiratory distress syndrome, congenital heart disease, developmental deformities and other critical newborns.

On April 20, after a baby was admitted to ward 68, the attending doctor found that the child had fluctuations in oxygen saturation, and it could not be completely relieved after oxygen inhalation, unlike common early lung diseases of newborns, keen doctors realized for the first time that the child needed to rule out congenital heart disease, so the emergency department contacted the ultrasound chamber 1+ 4 protection into the ward for bedside ultrasound, and the results were confirmed to be cyanosis congenital heart disease: supracardial complete pulmonary venous ectopic drainage with obstruction, requiring limited-time surgery, which won the opportunity to save the child. In the end, under the comprehensive coordination of the hospital leaders, the baby successfully completed the operation and successfully saved the young life.

The reporter learned that the Xiaohonglou where the 68 ward is located is a newly opened ward, and various living facilities have not yet been completed, but in the process of treating the children, everyone has condensed into a warm collective, and many doctors also hope to stay in the Xiaohonglou when resting, so that they can provide emergency forces for clinical treatment at any time as a reserve, and also avoid the worry that they cannot return to work because of the risk of exposure after returning to the community.

The treatment work of the negative pressure ward is particularly difficult, the medical staff wear white, wear a face screen and double gloves, less than a few minutes are soaked, can not eat, drink water, go to the toilet for several hours, continuous closed management, eat, sleep in the Small Red Chamber, can not take a bath, which greatly tests the physiological limits of medical care. However, "not afraid of suffering, not afraid of tiredness, we are responsible pediatricians!" ”

A batch of medical relays have gone up to the Little Red Chamber, and many young doctors and nurses of the "post-90s" have become the main force, and their sense of responsibility and enthusiasm for their work is not inferior. "Director Li, ward 68 treats many patients every day, and it is too hard to queue up two doctors every day, it is recommended to line up three people, we can reduce rest." Young doctors and nurses have taken the initiative to propose to Li Zhihua, the director of the ward, that they do not care about personal gains and losses, and stand up and take responsibility at critical moments.

Your baby can finally be discharged! However, when picking up the child and discharging from the hospital, many families have encountered different practical difficulties, such as the family is all Yang, the community is sealed, there is no private car, the lack of milk powder diapers... Problems abound. "It's important to find ways to help your babies reunite with their loved ones." This is the entrustment of the hospital leaders and the voice of the medical care.

Therefore, in addition to actively preparing for the discharge summary, the medical staff in the 68 ward contacted the Social Work Department to donate milk powder diapers and other daily necessities, and also took the initiative to contact the community neighborhood committee to coordinate the car, and even put on protective clothing to directly send the babies back to the community.

A woman with oral medications after uterine fibroids and thyroid cancer deliberately came from Fujian to Shanghai for obstetric examination and delivery due to pregnancy complications, and the result was an epidemic. After the caesarean section delivered the child, the mother with abnormal nucleic acid was transferred to the public health center, the baby was transferred to the Fudan Pediatrics Ward 68 for isolation and observation, and the father was isolated in the hotel.

April 9 is the day the baby could have been discharged from the hospital, but because the mother was still in quarantine, the father could not come out of the hotel and the child could not be taken to the hotel. As a result, medical staff continued to take on the care of "temporary mothers". Until April 14, after the end of the father's isolation, the hospital issued a certificate of release from isolation for the baby, assisting the father to pick up the child and return home smoothly.

A few days after the birth of the premature baby Xiao Ran (pseudonym), he was transferred to Fudan Pediatrics and received treatment in Ward 68. When she was discharged from the hospital, Xiao Ran's mother had been discharged from the hospital and returned home, but her father was still isolated at the hotel as a close contact. At that time, my mother had less breast milk, and she couldn't buy milk powder, and the community could not go out. Xiao Ran went home and faced a difficult problem.

After many efforts, the police station of the affected child's jurisdiction finally sent a car to pick him up, and the 68 ward sent Dr. Zhang Lan and Nurse Yuan Hao to escort Xiao Ran home in a big white, until the intersection of the community building, checked the information with Xiao Ran's mother, sent the milk powder donated by the Clinical Nutrition Department and the Social Work Department, and handed the child to the mother with confidence.

When they saw their parents take over their children's young little life, although their eyes were full of tears, they were stretched and smiling, and the young doctors and nurses had a deeper understanding of "health is related to life".

Today, Fudan pediatricians stationed in the "Little Red Chamber 68 Ward" stick to their posts, maintain a combat state at all times, gather the combined force of the charge, and contribute to winning the defense war of Greater Shanghai.

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