
Artist studio 丨Yunkai Caotang

Text/Yangcheng Evening News all-media reporter Luo Shuxin

Photo/ Intern Huang Jingyu

East Sea, West Sea.

Southern Sect, Northern Sect.

Southeast, Northwest. Ages.

The largest has no outside, and the smallest has no inside.

Looking at Zhang Dong's new work, he actually popped out these words in his mind.

Turtleneck pullover, black trousers,

Zhang Dong, dressed in a plain dress, walked toward us.

He usually does,

Whispering slowly, the smile is also light,

Probably the habit of being a teacher at the Academy of Fine Arts.

In Zhang Dong's studio,

The most common occurrence is Zen.

Buddha statues, Zen paintings, a list of Buddhist temples in China...

Zhang Dong's landscape paintings full of Chinese literary feelings,

It was created in this atmosphere of seeking life.

Step into the studio,

Look for traces of Zhang Dong's works.

From the works, into the field,

From the field, approach people.

Yunkai Caotang,

Idle color ink,

A little bit beautiful,

is the first impression.

Zhang Dong's words are not much,

When surrounded by works, I like to tell stories.

Gray floor tiles with bright white light,

He leaves room for expression to the work.

Even if it is not called "empty",

Yunkai Caotang has taken on a bit of minimalism.

The sense of the line of the chair,

It echoes the four words of "Yunkai Caotang".

There are several such corners in the studio:

Two armchairs,

A small collection in the middle that is worth playing with,

Sit down and see the calligraphy and paintings,

Guests are invited to bring a cup of tea.

Taking nature as a teacher,

It is one of the mysteries of landscape painting.

This mood fell in the Yunkai Caotang,

In the "Yunkai Landscape Show",

In the "Caotang Han Mo Xiang",

It lies in the crescent moon of the porcelain mouth.

Case: A joint book written by Zhang Dong's father.

Proper and unconventional.

Quiet Heart in The Picture,


Creation and appreciation,

It's all a kind of contemplation of the heart.

(For more news, please pay attention to Yangcheng Pie

Outside of Zen,

Flowers in Yunkai Caotang are also common.

At the edge of the frame,

On the edge of the window,

Under the lights,

Swaying out of the poetry of "cloud opening".

Pen and ink room,

It should be more vivid and angry.

Meet a scene,

With a heart full of painting,

Write it down in a hurry.

Half a month later,

In a few years,

fill details,

Construct Zhang Dong's unique understanding of nature.

Sketching is homework, it's everyday,

It is the throbbing of grasping a moment with a pen.

Record the creative process,

The process itself is a beauty.

Spilled limbs,

Carefully written,

Silence, thinking, color grading,

All kinds of agility about landscape painting,

All kinds of explorations about Zhang Dong.

In the depiction, see the condensation,

Citrus is the softness of blooming.

Put down the pen in your hand,

It's just a small step in the creation.

Choose the right mounting method,

Determine the order in which one painting is placed with another,

Observe the intimate relationship between light and shadow and objects,

And so on,

Only then was it possible to construct the meaning of a work for the creator.

Maybe it's a little different from what you think.

Yunkai Caotang is located on the high floor of guangzhou downtown building.

Light clouds and light fog outside the window,

Through the screens, you can see the roof of the building, the orderly windows, and the imaginary distance.

Is it Guangzhou's city gas?

Is it the sense of alienation between urban high-rise buildings?

Is it a distant natural sight?

Awakening Zhang Dong's creative inspiration,

It could just be this painted glazed horse by the window.

paper tiling,

See Caotang Hanmo,

See Zhang Dong daily.

Live the most ordinary days,

Write the most romantic poems.

This is Mrs. Zhang Dong's calligraphy.

the finiteness of knowledge,

The infinity of creation.

With its back to the Mountain of Books,

Faces the ink tray.

Into the studio,

No doubt look at the drawing table.

The ink dots on the bottom cloth are staggered,

A bottle of ink that is running out,

The texture of the dry patch,

The face of a painter is vaguely revealed.

The green of the nib,

Ever lit on the eaves?

Heavy brown,

Will it be sprinkled on the bushes?

Some people love to look at the bottom of the cup after drinking coffee,

Some people love to see the white space of the paint clumps.

And someone else,

Find the depth and shallowness of the bowl,

Light and ink.

Snooping on a man's bookshelf,

It was like visiting his bedroom.

Several volumes of thick "All Cantonese Poems",

Arranged by the Institute of Ancient Chinese Literature of Sun Yat-sen University.

Read Cantonese poetry,

Read Lingnan songs,

Read the people of Lingnan and the landscape,

Read the Lingnan context and lingnan spirit.

A few familiar "old friends",

Not a rare visitor to the bookcase,

Another indispensable.

The sound is as good as it gets,

Paint as much as you can.

When Zhang Dong was listening to violin music,

What is he listening to?

When the violin song entered Zhang Dong's landscape paintings,

What kind of rhythm will it take?

contemporary poetry and everyday philosophy,

All have become the nourishment of Zhang Dong's pen head.

Don't get tired of looking at the Song paintings,

Learn its simplicity and precision,

Imitate its natural stretch,

From amazement to imitation,

From the classical,

Go to the present.

Chinese Buddhist temple records that are also difficult to lift with two hands,

Always spread out,

Often flip it over,

It's always a flash of inspiration.

Write a little,

A glimpse of the scenery,

Originated from Zhang Dong's countless days and nights of exploration.

When we are surrounded by beautiful things,

When we are examined by beauty,


Turn your eyes to the abyss, to the wider world,

Even if the road is long.

Breathing works,

It constitutes a breathing Yunkai Caotang.

The "end" of Yunkai Caotang,

Long table for the tea table.

The arrangement of calligraphy and painting and table tables still belongs to the regularity of Zhang Dong's style.

Lingnan people,

It's hard to brew a pot of tea yourself.

On this early spring day,

Flowers and plants stretch,

Pen and ink on the side,

The aroma of tea appears light,

Just like Zhang Dong and his studio.

The "Easter egg" is Zhang Dong's tea plate.

On this day, we drank Xinhui Citrus Pu.

The fruity aroma of citrus enters the echo of Pu'er,

It is reminiscent of the elegance and fun that this room is full of.

Zhang Dong

Born in 1970, Xinyi, Guangdong. In 1996, he graduated from the Department of Chinese Painting of the Guangzhou Academy of Fine Arts with a master's degree in landscape painting. He was a painter of the first Guangdong Youth Painting Academy, a contracted painter of the Guangdong Painting Academy, and the vice chairman of the Guangdong Young Artists Association. He is currently teaching in the Landscape Painting Studio of the Chinese Painting Academy of the Guangzhou Academy of Fine Arts, and is an associate professor and master tutor of the Chinese Painting School of the Guangzhou Academy of Fine Arts, a member of the China Artists Association, a director of the Guangdong Chinese Painting Society, and a member of the Chinese Painting Art Committee of the Guangdong Artists Association. He was awarded the title of "Star of the Ninth New Century" by the Guangdong Federation of Literary and Art Circles.

Source | Yangcheng Evening News Yangcheng Pie

Editor-in-charge | Zhang Yanqin

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