
Come and let it tell you who the failed marriage hurts

Lately, single people are upset.

Originally, fear of marriage and fear of childbearing is a common state of contemporary young people.

As a result, marriage and childbearing have become the direction of national policy.

Can you not be annoyed?

This tight and loose, hot and cold bump, will always breed more problems to rebound.

But today we're going to talk about another family issue beyond that, divorce.

There is a Russian movie that just talks about this matter thoroughly, and it is also cruel -

"No Love to Complain About"

Come and let it tell you who the failed marriage hurts

Director Andrey Sarkinsev, his debut film "The Return" won the award, a ridiculous "forced demolition" fable "Leviathan", which made him respected in the fan circle.

In this film, Sarkinsev casts his icy gaze on a family whose relationship is broken.

As soon as the atmosphere of the film came up, it dropped to the freezing point.

A Russian couple, Jane and Boris, are discussing what will happen after their divorce.

Without saying a few words, there was a quarrel.

In particular, Zhenya, who constantly scolds "sluts" and "beasts", makes the conversation full of gunpowder.

What's the fuss about?

What about the children of the most difficult file for divorced couples to solve?

Boris thinks he has a good reason —

Kids and you

You're a mother

Come and let it tell you who the failed marriage hurts

Zhenya chuckled, what age, have you ever heard of equal rights?

Then he added another sentence, sharp and harsh but unable to refute it—

Women who have had enough of playing will throw it aside

Pull your own for someone else to clean up

Come and let it tell you who the failed marriage hurts

Pushing and shoving, the implication is that neither of them wants children.

Even their divorce confession has become a mutual throwing pot of "to say, you go and talk to your son".

Until, noisy.

Zhenya got up and went to the bathroom, and when she was done, she came to the door and appeared in one of the most frightening scenes in the whole film:

Come and let it tell you who the failed marriage hurts

Can't see clearly, turn it up a little more:

Come and let it tell you who the failed marriage hurts

The two's 12-year-old son, Alyosha, hid in the bathroom and overheard everything—

Quarrels, insults, and dislikes for him.

Alyosha cried bitterly.

The child's grievances and collapses, not discovered by the parents, just stay in front of the audience...

Between Jane and Boris, there is obviously no more "love to complain about".

Divorce is destined to be their best ending.

Boris has already formed another family outside, the other party is younger and gentler than his ex-wife, and the child in his belly is about to give birth. (According to the time calculation, the derailment did not run)

The only thing that worries him is that the Orthodox boss values the family the most.

Divorce can affect your well-paid job.

Come and let it tell you who the failed marriage hurts

On the other hand, Zhenya is also grateful to meet the 47-year-old "true love".

The divorce didn't seem to affect her much, she was addicted to social networks on a daily basis, and she was in the mood to get a beauty and haircut.

But out of the residual hatred for her ex-husband, along with the smell of her son, she also began to feel disgusted.

Come and let it tell you who the failed marriage hurts

Just because of the divorce, the child has become a trouble in the eyes of the father, the in the mother's mouth?

A good pair of selfish parents.

Regardless of the country, such a situation, we also have -

For example, in 2018, Zhang Zifeng and Peng Yuchang partnered in "Take My Brother Away".

When it was involved in the public opinion storm, some people put their attention on the intention of the "second child propaganda film".

However, I noticed that the family of the brothers and sisters in the film is not a typical (on the verge) divorced family state.

The father drank heavily all day and did not ask about human affairs;

My mother frequently left home, and when I came back, I quarreled with my father.

In such a family relationship, the older brother, who was still a middle school student, had to take on the role of father, taking care of his younger sister alone.

Come and let it tell you who the failed marriage hurts

The younger sister is at the age of longing for the attention and love of her parents, but she is disappointed to find out that her birthday is not even remembered.

Fortunately, she also has a brother.

If it is an only child, what to do, lick your own wounds, silently deformed?

Too much accountability for the tragedy of the original family, Xiao Shijun will not digress.

Come and let it tell you who the failed marriage hurts

In the end, the brothers and sisters who depend on each other are forced to be ruthlessly separated.

Just because of divorce, the family is not a family, and the parents do not have the mood and state of parenthood, and they also fail completely.

Getting married and having children is a common sentiment since the ancients.

To put it another way of saying the romance of the new era, marriage, free choice, children, true love crystallizes.

However, there is always a difference in everything.

That was miserable, and from then on, the mention of unhappy marriages was cold, and the children, no matter who brought them, became "drag oil bottles".

Falling in love is easy to get along with, and divorce is essentially right.

There is a tradition in which the Chinese people persuade divorce, and if they don't care about three or seven twenty-one, they will come up and say, "Think of the children."

Think about the children, marriage should be separated, do not drag.

Leaving him in an unhealthy, unstable family relationship would still hurt.

However, after divorce, how many pairs of parents can really do the aftermath work?

In a failed marriage, how many couples can there be a couple who promise not to leave a shadow on their children?

Come and let it tell you who the failed marriage hurts

Pull back the positive.

The more you look at this movie, the more desperate you feel, and even accumulate anger in the calm.

The progress of Zhenya and Boris's divorce has always been glued.

The first one who couldn't stand it was Alyosha, who suddenly disappeared.

Not without warning.

In the morning before he disappeared, he couldn't eat breakfast.

Come and let it tell you who the failed marriage hurts

Zhenya stood opposite, playing with her mobile phone with her own care, not taking it seriously.

Alyosha clenched her little fists, shed a tear, and the decisions she made in her heart were not discovered.

What he said was, I don't want to eat anymore.

Come and let it tell you who the failed marriage hurts

A child throwing a tantrum? alas.

The next day, when the teacher from the school called, Zhenya realized that the child was missing...

The second half of the film basically revolves around the plot of "Looking for Alyosha".

You can see a lot of problems in it, you can also feel the source of the tragedy, and even predict the future direction.

At this point, from the family to the country, they cannot be separated.

The irresponsibility of the family is the key to causing the child to run away from home.

People are really lost, and parents are anxious.

Zhenya and Boris had to be "tied" together again in search of Alyosha's whereabouts.

But the two people who are angry with each other, once they are alone, blame and quarrel, can never stop.

Come and let it tell you who the failed marriage hurts

Maozi's violent temper and force value, you all know that in the process of watching the movie, Xiao Shijun is always worried that the next second is the scene of flesh-and-blood domestic violence. (Mistaken)

Looking at them left and right, it is difficult to imagine what the two used to love.

In fact, Zhenya has repeatedly stressed that she and Boris will marry because of an unintended pregnancy.

She had little love for him.

This marriage was a mistake in the first place.

Come and let it tell you who the failed marriage hurts

Perhaps giving birth to a child, Jane is not ready at all, and willingly becomes a mother.

She was not responsible for herself, and her decisions and actions that were not responsible for marriage were influenced by her mother.

Zhenya grew up in a single-parent family in a loveless environment.

She is foul-mouthed, bad-tempered, withdrawn and selfish, and will not love, in fact, it is a projection of her mother's character flaws.

Until now, the mother and daughter are still unable to talk normally.

What do you look like?

Like a bitch!

Come and let it tell you who the failed marriage hurts

In the final analysis, the family problems of this generation, on the one hand, come from the "legacy poison" of the previous generation.

As for the national level, the protective belt that appears at the beginning and end of the film forms a strong hint.

This is a protective belt used to warn of "danger ahead, no entry".

Thrown haphazardly on the ground, it then became a toy wielded in Alyosha's hand, a useless thing on a high hanging tree.

Come and let it tell you who the failed marriage hurts
Come and let it tell you who the failed marriage hurts

This means that the so-called "protection" is basically useless.

And the inaction of the state may further push the problem into the abyss.

After Alyosha went missing, Zhenya immediately called the police.

The police will say that the rebellious child will come back after a few days of running.

It will be said that it takes time for us to check information, ask family members, and analyze the facts of the case.

Come and let it tell you who the failed marriage hurts

In short, do not file a case, do not search, after all, the manpower and energy of government departments are limited.

In order not to waste both sides of the time.

The police asked Zhenya to go online and find a volunteer organization dedicated to rescue, and said that she had cooperated with the organization many times.

"They're very well-placed and efficient."

Indeed, the passages in search of Alyosha are mostly propped up by the volunteers' professional searches.

In contrast, it's ironic.

Come and let it tell you who the failed marriage hurts

The government's inaction has its own position.

In thousands of cases, children are lost, and most of the time, it is just a family affair.

In this way, do their deeds only need to be placed on the "state affairs" of marriage and childbearing?

The knot is over, the birth is over, and what about after that?

After that, everything became a household affair to solve by oneself.

That's the worst.

Finally Alyosha, did you find it?

Needless to say, you almost guessed that children are always victims of parental failed marriages.

Come and let it tell you who the failed marriage hurts

Calm down.

Going back, let's look at a few sets of domestic statistics —

The divorce rate has risen for 15 consecutive years, even catching up with many European and American countries:

Come and let it tell you who the failed marriage hurts

More and more young people are reluctant to marry, mostly out of inability and status to bear family responsibilities:

Come and let it tell you who the failed marriage hurts

High divorce rates, hedging against low marriage rates, from the overall situation of the country, is indeed not a good thing.

Start from the individual and dig deeper.

It is clear that we face marriage, have more choices, and are more free.

Why are there more and more people who don't want to get married, or even dare not get married?

This generation of young people has soberly realized:

To form a family, you are responsible for yourself, for others, and for the next generation.

In such an era of "divorce is easy, marriage is difficult", our choices have to become more cautious.

The state and its methods are changed, urging marriage and childbearing.

It is better to think about how to create a more peaceful environment for us to live and work.

As a result of rushing into marriage, "No Love to Appeal" has pointed out a direction of absolute tragedy -

Alyosha's affair came to an end, and Jane and Boris returned to their respective family lives.

The personalities of the two seem to have not changed.

The newborn of Boris's family is about to become another object of neglect...

Come and let it tell you who the failed marriage hurts

Lo and behold, the cycle of cause and effect, the unlucky ones are always the next generation.


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