
The rotor engine is back, the MX-30 plug-in hybrid model is about to be launched, this time can it still be fired?

The rotor engine is back, the MX-30 plug-in hybrid model is about to be launched, this time can it still be fired?

Mazda has always left domestic consumers with the impression of "paranoid science and engineering men", which is true, but in the matter of paranoia, Mazda is absolutely confident. In addition to good handling and Chuang chi blue sky technology, Mazda has also been developing rotor engines for more than ten years, although this rotor engine named Rotary was later sealed by Mazda for various reasons, but its achievements are still outstanding even now.

But recently, Mazda seems to have the idea of reviving the rotor engine, but this time the comeback, the rotor engine is a different way. According to Mazda's official announcement, the Mazda MX-30 will launch a plug-in hybrid version of the Mazda MX-30 in 2022, while the rotor engine will provide range-extended power for its electric motor.

The rotor engine is back, the MX-30 plug-in hybrid model is about to be launched, this time can it still be fired?

According to Mazda officials, the rotor engine is small in size and is very suitable as a power unit for electric vehicles. The engine is really just used as a backup when the battery runs out, which means it can be used as a pure tram. The new car will be the first to be listed in the North American market in the future, and it is very likely that it will be introduced to The country in the future, and the domestic automobile market at that time may be a lively scene.

The rotor engine is back, the MX-30 plug-in hybrid model is about to be launched, this time can it still be fired?

At the appearance level, according to Mazda's official disclosure, the appearance design of the plug-in hybrid version of the MX-30 will maintain a similar design with the pure electric version of the MX-30 previously listed, but in some details, the MX-30 plug-in mixed version of the model will have certain changes, such as the real grille.

The rotor engine is back, the MX-30 plug-in hybrid model is about to be launched, this time can it still be fired?

In terms of driving principle, the rotor engine of the MX-30 plug-in hybrid model does not directly drive the vehicle, but provides power to the motor through the kinetic energy generated by the rotor engine, and the motor directly drives the vehicle, from the principle point of view, the driving principle of the MX-30 plug-in hybrid model is almost the same as that of the current extender model.

It is reported that the maximum cruising range of the pure electric version of the model currently on sale is only 161 kilometers, while the plug-in and mixed version of the model will greatly improve the endurance of the new car, and the specific parameters of the new car have not yet been exposed.

The rotor engine is back, the MX-30 plug-in hybrid model is about to be launched, this time can it still be fired?

At last:

The return of the rotor engine can undoubtedly attract a wave of traffic and fans for Mazda, but after the heat, what will be the road ahead for the MX-30 plug-in hybrid model? It is not known at present, but if the price is too high, then the new car may face the situation of "applauding but not calling".

Note: The above pictures are all MX-30 pure electric models

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