
In Shougang Park, the immersive digital art museum "Shucang Study Room" is about to go online

As the Flame of the Winter Olympics is slowly extinguished in Beijing, the Shijingshan District Library Winter Olympic Branch is about to complete its historical mission and will be closed on April 23, 2022.

At the same time, the Shijingshan District Library in Shougang Park is in intensive preparations, and it is planned to reload to meet the majority of readers during this World Book Day.

In Shougang Park, the immersive digital art museum "Shucang Study Room" is about to go online

This change of "one off and one open" is not only the change of the service subject, but more importantly, the protection, development and inheritance of the precious Winter Olympic heritage.

It varies depending on your needs

In Shougang Park, the immersive digital art museum "Shucang Study Room" is about to go online

The predecessor of the Winter Olympic Branch of Shijingshan District Library was established on November 23, 2016 in the office building of the Winter Olympic Organizing Committee of Shougang Park. At that time, it was a temporary branch building located on the first basement floor. The district library distributed a total of more than 2,300 books of various types, which basically met the book and material borrowing needs of the cadres and workers of shougang of the Beijing Winter Olympics Organizing Committee at that time.

With the deepening of preparations for the Winter Olympics and the increase in the number of staff, the original temporary branch library can no longer meet the demand. The Shijingshan District Cultural Committee (now the Shijingshan District Cultural and Tourism Bureau) actively responded to the call of the two levels of government in the urban area, gave full play to the advantages of public cultural service resources, and implemented culture to help the Winter Olympics. Under the support and guidance of the National Library of China, the Organizing Committee of the Winter Olympics and other relevant parties, many special studies have been carried out on the facilities, positioning and layout of the library, and the temporary branch libraries have been upgraded.

The Winter Olympic Branch of Shijingshan District Library responded to the concept of green Olympics at the beginning of design and chose a minimalist style. The museum has set up 5,000 paper books on the shelves and set up special bookshelves for the Winter Olympics. The introduction of digital literature resources docked with the National Library, the Capital Library, and the Shijingshan District Library, built a 6TB digital resource library of the Winter Olympic Encyclopedia, installed a 24-hour self-service book lending and return system, intelligent bookshelves, electronic reading terminals and other equipment, realized the full self-service of certificate handling, retrieval and borrowing, and arranged special personnel to be responsible for the operation services of the venue, and focused on creating a high-quality and high-level characteristic library.

On April 23, 2018, after more than a year of careful planning, the Winter Olympic Branch of Shijingshan District Library, located on the third floor of the Office Building of the Winter Olympics Organizing Committee, was officially established, and the opening ceremony with the theme of "Enjoy Reading and Realize your Dreams of the Winter Olympics" was held, and the first Winter Olympics-themed library in China was officially opened.

Shared think tanks

In Shougang Park, the immersive digital art museum "Shucang Study Room" is about to go online

From 2018 to 2022, the Winter Olympic Branch of Shijingshan District Library has played a "think tank" role in promoting the Olympic spirit and disseminating winter Olympic knowledge while witnessing history.

In the four years since its opening in 2018, it has handled nearly 300 joint reader cards for the Beijing Municipal Public Library Network. Nearly 400 handwritten borrowing cards were registered by hand, which greatly facilitated the reading needs of the staff of the Winter Olympic Organizing Committee. Through the 255 Chinese and foreign literature databases provided by the National Library of China, a total of 1603.8TB of network data resources, in-depth consulting services are carried out.

As of April 2022, a total of 119787 visits, 4,814 book loans, 48,387 answers to consultations, a total of 859 search topics, 674 kinds of literature searches have been compiled, 200 summary catalogs have been compiled, and 20 offline reader activities have been held, with 1,193 participants.

During the epidemic period, the Shijingshan District Library Winter Olympic Branch actively carried out various online services, established a reader base, answered reader inquiries, and enriched the amateur life of the staff of the Winter Olympic Organizing Committee. The advantages of modern libraries in terms of digital resources are fully utilized.

Gorgeous turn

In Shougang Park, the immersive digital art museum "Shucang Study Room" is about to go online

With the successful conclusion of the 2022 Beijing Winter Olympics, the mission of the Shijingshan District Library Winter Olympic Branch has temporarily come to an end. The 2022 Government Work Report mentions that it is necessary to "make good use of the legacy of the Beijing Winter Olympics and the Winter Paralympic Games." The large number of books introducing the sports projects of the Winter Olympic Games, the materials related to the events and digital resources preserved in the Winter Olympic Branch of the Shijingshan District Library are the best Winter Olympic cultural heritage left to us by the Winter Olympics for the general public and sports enthusiasts, and he will continue to continue as a high-quality public cultural service resource and the cultural heritage of the Beijing Winter Olympics.

The "Warehouse Study" is the carrier of this continuation. In the newly formed science fiction industry cluster area of Shougang Park, "Qicang" is an immersive digital art museum, which has a "Shucang Study" co-founded with Shijingshan Library, and after the official closure of the Winter Olympic Branch of Shijingshan District Library, most of the equipment, books, text materials and digital resources will be relocated here to open a special area for "Winter Olympic Heritage".

"Warehouse Study" is a bold attempt to integrate the operation of intelligent libraries with the emerging digital industry, and is also an innovation to inherit the cultural heritage of the Winter Olympics and do a good job in inheritance and continuation, with the purpose of making these precious Winter Olympic heritage continue to create its value, so that more citizens can experience the intelligence, convenience and professionalism of the Shijingshan District Library Winter Olympic Branch in the post-Winter Olympic era, learn more background knowledge related to the Winter Olympic Games, and feel the charm of the Winter Olympics from another side.

Like the Winter Olympic torch, the slow extinguishing does not mean the end, but another new beginning. The "Warehouse Study Room" will surely make new contributions to the exploration of the "ice and snow + cultural tourism" industrial system in the post-Winter Olympic era.

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