
Qi Gong gives you calligraphy

As a master figure in the calligraphy world, Qi Gong can be said to be authoritative, if a painting or calligraphy, some people feel good, some people feel bad, and Qi Gong says it is good, then it is very good, this is his authority, and his authority is not obtained by his own hegemony, but the confidence of others.

The entry point of Qi Gong's "Qi Gong Tells You About Calligraphy" is to eliminate some superstitions and misunderstandings that exist in the process of learning calligraphy art, and this is also a main line for Mr. Qi Gong to explain the art of calligraphy. Here are some of the following:

Qi Gong gives you calligraphy

1. In view of the words written by some calligraphers at present, others can't understand and don't know, Mr. Qi Gong believes that words must always be combined with language, and people must always understand what you write. After writing, no one knows, so no matter how high it is, it can only be a kind of "heavenly book".

2. In response to some people deliberately elevating the artistry of calligraphy, Mr. Qi Gong believes that calligraphy is art and technology. Speaking of the two words of art, it is very mysterious... But I think the technique of calligraphy is still very important. Although theorists believe that technology is a low-level thing in art, it is an introductory thing. But I think from low to high, how many floors you go up, you have to start from the first floor.

Qi Gong gives you calligraphy

3. Qi Gong: I am not opposed to parents letting their children write, but parents should understand what the purpose is?

4. In view of some new trends of thought in the current calligraphy creation, the "reform school", Mr. Qi Gong believes that everything you do not innovate it will also innovate. Calligraphy, we seem, has changed in many forms since ancient times, so the innovation of calligraphy goes without saying, and it is new if you do not revolutionize it. Intentional (innovation) is always better than unintentional (innovation), and there is always something intentional that makes people feel deliberately contrived.

Qi Gong gives you calligraphy

5, "house leak marks" is only a metaphor, not a technique.

6, writing, glyph structure should respect the habit.

7. Just because Wang Xizhi is his father and Wang Xianzhi is a son, it is not mistaken to think that it is better to learn from Wang Xizhi than to learn From Wang Xizhi.

Qi Gong gives you calligraphy

8, there is no difference between the stele and the post, who is lower and who is higher.

9, the four treasures of the literary room, there is no absolute standard of good or bad, as long as you make habits, the kind that is particularly spiritual to write, is the best.

10. The study books should be in order, from shallow to deep. But the order of studying books, first Ou and then Chu, Yan, and Liu, is not necessary. Who is first, who is behind, who comes from whom, who you have to learn first and then you can learn who again, this theory is nonsense.

Qi Gong gives you calligraphy

11. Zhao Song Xueyun, "Calligraphy is based on the use of the pen, and the knot must also be used", which is not the case. It is difficult to use a pen as a knot, and it is the most relevant to gather and disperse vertically and horizontally.

12, writing is different from practicing acrobatics, not necessarily for young workers, or even the opposite.

13. The line should be written in letters, and its position should be gathered and dispersed without losing degrees. It should be written as a line, and its points are not dull.

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