
Zhong Xuan Xiaokai's "Recommended Season Straight Table" appreciation

The "Straight Table of the Recommended Seasons" was written by Zhong Xuan at the age of seventy in the second year of the Wei Huang Dynasty (221). The content of this table is to recommend the performance of the old minister Guannei Hou Jizhi. The original inkblot was originally written in 1860 when the British and French troops burned the Yuanmingyuan and was robbed by a British soldier. Later, it fell into the hands of a collector, and was stolen by thieves and buried in the ground, where it decayed when it was dug up. The Ming Dynasty was engraved into the "True Appreciation of Thesa", and in the Qing Dynasty into the "Sanxi Hall", which was listed at the top of the various articles.

This post may be copied by the Tang people according to the original, or it is a pseudo-trust, but it should be a "pseudo-good thing". Because it has the basic characteristics of zhong shu and high artistic value, it has been valued and highly praised by the book industry. For example, Lu Xingzhi said: "The "Recommendation Season Straight Table" is ancient and simple, super wonderful, and there is no jintang flower arrangement beauty. Wang Shizhen believes that after the manifestation of this post, "those who study the bell in the world no longer know that there is a "Chunhua Pavilion" (referring to the inscriptions of the bell in the "Chunhua Pavilion"). The strokes and knots of this post are extremely natural, and the rules are staggered. Emperor Wu of Liang and others said that "the crane travels to the sky", "the sea of Qunhong Plays" and "the denseness between the lines" are the most vivid performance in this post. The "bell body" created by Zhong Xuan and the "king body" created by Wang Xizhi are two enduring artistic models in the history of mainland calligraphy, and their influence is extremely far-reaching.

Zhong Xuan Xiaokai's "Recommended Season Straight Table" appreciation

Turn over the ink book

Zhong Xuan Xiaokai's "Recommended Season Straight Table" appreciation
Zhong Xuan Xiaokai's "Recommended Season Straight Table" appreciation
Zhong Xuan Xiaokai's "Recommended Season Straight Table" appreciation
Zhong Xuan Xiaokai's "Recommended Season Straight Table" appreciation
Zhong Xuan Xiaokai's "Recommended Season Straight Table" appreciation
Zhong Xuan Xiaokai's "Recommended Season Straight Table" appreciation
Zhong Xuan Xiaokai's "Recommended Season Straight Table" appreciation
Zhong Xuan Xiaokai's "Recommended Season Straight Table" appreciation
Zhong Xuan Xiaokai's "Recommended Season Straight Table" appreciation

Chung Xuan Seal, Li, Zhen, Xing, Cao a variety of calligraphy, its calligraphy is simple and elegant, the font size is interspersed, the overall layout is rigorous and meticulous. Zhang Huaihuan's "Book Break" said: "Yuan Changzhen's book is unique, but it is too master, rigid and soft. Between the dot paintings, there are many different interests, which can be described as deep and endless, and there is more than enough elegance. Since the Qin and Han Dynasties, there has been only one person. The best he wrote was the Book of Letters, and the Xuanhe Book Genealogy commented: "Prepare for the Fa and be the ancestor of the true book." ”

The period in which Chung Chung lived was precisely the period when Chinese characters evolved from Lishu to Kaishu and were close to completion. In the process of completing this important evolution of Chinese characters, Chung Chung has played a powerful role in promoting the future and opening up the future. On the one hand, he can adapt to the trend of the times and be good at learning the new book styles that appear in the folk; on the other hand, he is diligent in studying, good at thinking and studying.

According to Zhang Yanyuan's "Essential Records of the Book of Laws" of the Tang Dynasty, Cai Yong was subject to the gods, and it was passed on to Cui Yan and the female Wen Ji, Wen Ji chuan of Chung Xuan, Chung Sui chuan of Lady Wei, Lady Wei of Wang Xizhi, and Wang Xi of Wang Xi' transmission.

It can be seen that Chung Sui is the second generation of Cai Yong calligraphy. In fact, the reason why Chung's calligraphy art has achieved great artistic achievements is not limited to the study of one family. According to the Song Dynasty Chen Si's "Shuyuan Jinghua", Chung Sui studied calligraphy with Liu Sheng for three years when he was a teenager, and later learned the calligraphy of Cao Xi, Liu Desheng and others. Therefore, Chung, like any accomplished scholar, is the result of the achievements of his predecessors, hard work, and hard work.

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