
Xidian: Implanting the seeds of cultural self-confidence in the souls of students

China Youth Daily Client News (China Youth Daily, China Youth Daily reporter Sun Haihua) More than 100 international and domestic authoritative art awards, for 7 consecutive years on CCTV "May Fourth" evening, for 5 consecutive years selected for the "elegant art into the campus" activity project exhibition, launched a number of red stage art masterpieces... This is the fruitful result of Xidian University (hereinafter referred to as "Xidian") under the leadership of the Youth League Committee of the University to promote "cultural education".

In 2013, the "University Culture Construction Plan" with the goal of "building a high-level art club, creating campus cultural products, and improving campus cultural taste" was launched in the university. In the past 10 years, under the guidance of the concept of "let red cast the background of science, let science insert artistic wings, and let art enhance cultural taste", Xidian has sown the seeds of cultural self-confidence into the hearts of young students and become a cultural root system that constantly nourishes them to grow into talents.

Red Culture "Trilogy"

"Red flag waving, military trumpet sounding, children and soldiers, don't go to your hometown..." In January 2015, as the first campus cultural masterpiece of Xidian, the "Xidian version" "Long March Suite Song" that took half a year to create was performed in Xi'an, and a performance won more than 60 thunderous applause.

In July of the same year, this red classic suite performed by Xidian students was selected for the "Elegant Art entering the campus" activity exhibition project sponsored by the Ministry of Education, the Ministry of Culture and Tourism, and the Ministry of Finance, and in 2016, it was selected into the "Shaanxi Provincial College Students Cultural Excellence" project, and in the following five years, it entered more than 10 colleges and universities in Shaanxi, with a total of more than 20 performances "circle fans" 300,000 people.

Not only that, from the "post-95s" to the "post-00s", "Long March Suite" attracted nearly 4,000 Xidian students to join the school symphony orchestra, choir, folk orchestra, host group and other aesthetic education practice clubs. "Here extends the longest red root system in a Chinese university!" As a performance host, Duan Yujia, a 2013 undergraduate student who went to the United States to continue his studies after graduation, has performed 11 times with the "Long March Suite". "In listening over and over again, I felt the red spirit of my revolutionary ancestors again and again." After returning to China in 2020, Duan Yujia chose to enter the research institute for employment, "to contribute to the space power."

From "Long March Suite Song" to "Yellow River Chorus", from "The Eternal Radio Wave" to "The Light of Faith", the red campus cultural boutique series carefully created by the Xidian Communist Youth League has given a new era connotation to the classic works.

According to the deeds of Xidian alumni Li Bai, Zhang Luping, Wu Zeguang and other martyrs, combined with the history of the Red School, the large-scale original drama "The Eternal Radio Wave" is a play performed by students and shown to students. "Before, I only thought that 'Xidian' was very remarkable, and after watching the performance, I realized that a group of republican heroes came from the campus around us." Teacher Zhou Wei commented: This way of "students playing alumni" and "students playing elders and sisters" has made the role of aesthetic education "educating people with beauty and cultural people" well played.

Li Zihan, a graduate of the class of 2018, was once the actor of the martyr Zhang Luping, an underground party member in the play. "During the creation process, the students and teachers went through a large number of school history materials in order to more intuitively understand the spirit of the older generation of Xidian people who were willing to sacrifice for the motherland and the people, which made us receive a profound ideological baptism."

Fully excavate the elements of red culture and revolutionary culture in the history of the school, and activate the value transmission, spiritual guidance and motivation functions in the red gene through popular campus dramas, songs, evening parties, concerts and other forms - in Xidian, the original stage art ideological and political work "The Light of Faith" created by the Communist Youth League was broadcast by the "Xidian Youth" WeChat public account, which received "10W+" clicks. Drama works such as "Grateful Heart", "The Road Not Chosen", and "This Bowl of Steamed Buns Are A Little Hot" produced by various colleges and colleges have emerged in an endless stream, bringing together into the school's resounding cultural brand.

Xidian: Implanting the seeds of cultural self-confidence in the souls of students

Carry forward the excellent traditional Chinese culture

Mr. Qian Xuesen, the recipient of the Meritorious Service Medal of "Two Bombs and One Star", once said, "I am a 'super music fan', and it is 'music' that has achieved 'science'". On the Xidian campus, there is a symphony orchestra that students are proud of and belong to themselves, this student orchestra has twice won the first prize of the National College Students Art Exhibition and won the silver medal of the 9th World Orchestra Arts Festival.

When he joined the orchestra, Li Zhenyu, a graduate student of the class of 2019, was still in his first year of undergraduate education, and now he has grown into the "principal" of the orchestra. An orchestra of nearly 100 people and dozens of instruments sometimes relayed in the rhythm of music, sometimes helped to run, and sometimes sprinted together, and finally presented a huge sound "power", leading the audience into an endless imagination space. In Li Zhenyu's view, this is like the cooperation of the scientific research team, which is not only full of bold innovative imagination, but also requires everyone to maintain a rigorous and tacit understanding "with a board and an eye", "Performance is the best way to cultivate our sense of innovation and cooperation." ”

Turning over the list of various performance repertoire of the Symphony Orchestra, nearly 100 Chinese and foreign classical music works that have been rehearsed, such as "Red Detachment of Women", "Ode to the Red Flag", "Qiao Family Compound", "Water Margin" and other red and ethnic music classics accounted for 80%.

"'Popularizing high art, disseminating Chinese voices, and improving students' was the original intention of this orchestra." Teacher Hua Junwen, conductor of the Symphony Orchestra and Choir, said, "If we want to spread the Chinese voice, we must first strengthen cultural self-confidence, and the unique ideological and political education value condensed by red and traditional culture allows us to absorb the strength to move forward." ”

Xidian, rooted in Shaanxi, relies on the rich local cultural resources and combines the characteristics of the school's advantageous disciplines to promote the encounter, acquaintance and acquaintance between excellent traditional culture and college students. One after another, such as the "Fun Paper-cutting" APP, the shadow puppet robot performance "Huaxia Photo", the sugar painting robot, the program-controlled thread lifting - puppet artist, the light and shadow accompanying - dance special effects companion system, the sand painting APP and other "technology + traditional" cultural projects continue to emerge.

Every year, the school carries out more than 10 high-level traditional cultural performances and lectures through the series of open classes on aesthetic education, and the campus also holds a "Meido Opera" genre inheritance class and opens relevant general elective courses. Excellent innovative cultural works have also gone out of the campus, into rural primary schools, poor villages, and civic concert halls, and this national key university has become a participant and builder of promoting China's excellent traditional culture.

Xidian: Implanting the seeds of cultural self-confidence in the souls of students

Practice advanced socialist culture

In December 2020, Xidian won the 12th "Challenge Cup" and the "Winner Cup" of the China College Students Entrepreneurship Plan Competition. "With 179,000 projects and 924,000 students participating, we are the best!" At the award ceremony, Yu Zhibin, deputy secretary of the Youth League Committee, and the 7 project groups participating in the national finals cheered.

As early as 1988, the Xidian Communist Youth League took the lead in initiating the "Spark Cup" college students' scientific and technological innovation competition around the "science and technology culture" in the campus culture, attracting nearly 10,000 Xidian students and more than 1,000 works to participate in the competition and nearly 1,000 primary and secondary school students to visit and study every year. Their original intention of running the competition is very simple, in order to ignite the passion of science and technology in the hearts of Xidian students. Now, more than 30 years later, many senior students who have grown up to become chief engineers, chief teachers, university presidents, and founders of science and technology enterprises will sigh whenever they return to their alma mater to share their university life: "In Xidian, do not participate in a 'Spark Cup', vainly as Xidian people."

Over the years, the prosperity of campus advanced culture has always been the first topic of the ideological and political work of the Xidian Communist Youth League, and a batch of outstanding achievements in campus culture that cover a wide range, have great influence, have characteristics, and are well-known throughout the country have continued to emerge on the Xidian campus.

In terms of aesthetic education practice, high-level art societies continue to win awards in the country and the province; in 2021, the university student symphony orchestra and choir won the world international awards respectively, achieving a "0" breakthrough in the internationalization of aesthetic education; the "Summer International Double Creation Week" launched in 2020, opening the "International Art Practice Talent Training" course for two consecutive years, guiding students to broaden their horizons in art comparison with the scale of 500 people"; "Muses - Artificial Intelligence Composition System" "Qinyue Technology —— The innovative projects of college students with their own core technologies such as "Intelligent Piano Sparring Navigator in the New Era" have become a symbol of the cross-border integration of "science and technology + art", highlighting the cultural self-confidence of the young generation...

"As a school founded by the party itself and with more than 90 years of red school history, our school history is closely linked to the history of the party, the history of new China, the history of reform and opening up, and the history of socialist development." Fu Chao, secretary of the Xidian Youth League Committee, said that the red gene should be inherited and the red spirit should be carried forward, which is the unshirkable mission of the league organization.

"Giving play to the guiding, radiating, and cohesive role of traditional culture is one of the effective ways to promote the development of college students' ideological and political education in a wider field, at a deeper level, and with better results." Zhou Yan, secretary of the party committee of the Marxist Academy, said.

"For science and engineering universities, cultural construction is often a shortcoming, but it has become a strength in Xidian." Yang Yintang, deputy secretary of the school party committee, said: In the 90 years of the school's founding process, the school has never relaxed its emphasis on culture, and in the new century, cultural construction is still a strategic project and a soul-building project. "Only by condensing the spirit of Xidian, shaping the character of Xidian, and telling the story of Xidian well can we spread the Chinese story well, so that Xidian culture will always become an important carrier and endless source for cultivating innovative and top-notch talents who contribute to the country."

Source: China Youth Daily client

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