
Why are college girls prone to "getting pregnant"? In addition to the problems of boys, there are also these reasons

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It is about to enter June, and it is another year of college entrance examination graduation season, and I believe that many children who are about to start their college life are still nervously preparing for the exam. Compared with the learning pressures and personal space of high school, university life is new and vibrant, and as a stage of transition from school to society, four years will reshape their worldview, outlook on life and values.

But for many parents of female college students, their daughters to start college life can be described as mixed, the internet frequently exposed students who give birth to children on college campuses, so that many parents who send their children to college can not help but ask - "Why are female college students so easy to get pregnant?" ”

Why are college girls prone to "getting pregnant"? In addition to the problems of boys, there are also these reasons

The beauty of college life we need not to say, in the school curriculum is relatively free, extracurricular activities are also colorful, while the cultural atmosphere of the university is relatively relaxed and inclusive, the first time away from the parents of the time to supervise the girls are mostly with the vision and yearning for love, choose to talk with boys of the same age about a vigorous campus love.

However, due to inexperience and mental immaturity, many female college students have become pregnant before marriage or even during school, which makes many parents feel worried. The reason for the frequent occurrence of pregnancy incidents among female college students is not only the problem of boys, but also the hidden plot behind it.

First, vanity is at work

In the high school learning atmosphere of test-oriented education, students need to wear uniform standard clothing, no jewelry is allowed, and there are strict regulations for makeup and hairstyles, in general, it suppresses the beauty-loving nature of girls, so when children enter the university life, they study and live with their peers from the south of the sea, and everyone's family education background and economic ability are different, so the consumption habits are also different.

Why are college girls prone to "getting pregnant"? In addition to the problems of boys, there are also these reasons

After female college students start campus life alone, they are all right to yearn to beautify themselves, but some girls' consumption level far exceeds their actual economic ability, and even is in debt.

In the same dormitory, in the same class, the psychology of girls competing with each other makes them even if they take out loans to buy some expensive luxury goods, brand-name clothes, etc., and even force their boyfriends to satisfy their vanity.

Zweig once said in "The Broken Queen": "All the gifts of fate are secretly priced." It can be seen that it is crucial for parents to establish a correct concept of consumption for their children when they go to college, and encourage children to consume rationally and appropriately, and spiritual independence is more worth pursuing than material abundance.

Why are college girls prone to "getting pregnant"? In addition to the problems of boys, there are also these reasons

Second, the safety awareness is low

In the educational environment of mainland traditional culture, whether it is for boys or girls, there is a general lack of gender education in the family, and parents are often ashamed of it, resulting in girls not cultivating enough safety awareness from an early age, even if the awareness of self-protection in college is still in the stage of half-understanding, in the process of self-exploration, it is easy to have accidents.

They have no concept of how to protect themselves when they first enter college, and have lived in the comfort zone built by their parents for nearly two decades, and once they leave their parents, they are easily deceived by others, and the consequences of being deceived are often beyond their responsibility. It can be seen that it is very important for female college students to improve their awareness of self-safety protection on campus, develop their own interests and hobbies, and enrich their lives.

Why are college girls prone to "getting pregnant"? In addition to the problems of boys, there are also these reasons

Many female college students will enjoy campus time as the only meaning of their university life, thus ignoring the improvement of their professional knowledge and the cultivation of skills, after all, these are the fundamentals of our life after moving from school to society. Many college students have just set sail for life, do not just care about experiencing the beauty of love, and give up the study of professional knowledge.

Third, the temptation from society

When children enter the university, most of them are also in the age of just adulthood, their minds are simple, their views on some things are relatively simple, their sense of self-protection is weak, it is difficult to withstand the temptations from all aspects of society, especially when they face social people who are experienced in love, they will be caught in it and difficult to extricate themselves if they are not careful.

And when girls just enter the university campus, they happen to be the same age as flowers, so it is easy to be targeted by some people with ulterior motives, and female college students can easily do things they should not do if they can't see the reality, resulting in their regrets.

Why are college girls prone to "getting pregnant"? In addition to the problems of boys, there are also these reasons

In addition, for some female college students, they do not get enough love and affection in their original families, which will lead to their extreme insecurity, feeling unconfident in themselves, and it is difficult to resist the sugar-coated shells of others' sweet words, thinking that they have met true love.

Sometimes working part-time in school also needs to share part of the financial pressure within the family, and some people will take this as an opportunity to let girls make money by selling themselves, which sounds very realistic, but it is a real situation, and the lights outside the campus are a great temptation for female college students who are not deeply involved in the world.

With the opening of the social environment and the change of people's ideological concepts, the phenomenon of falling in love during college or living together as a college couple has become commonplace, but the pregnancy of college students will have a serious impact on both physical and mental health and academics, especially for college girls, and even affect the direction of their future life path.

Why are college girls prone to "getting pregnant"? In addition to the problems of boys, there are also these reasons

According to the results of the questionnaire, the proportion of contemporary college girls who have sex during their studies can even reach 43%, which naturally leads to an increase in the pregnancy rate, although this behavior may be a natural nature, but it is still relatively conservative in our Chinese bones.

However, we still have to appeal here, for college students, or to put the study of professional courses in the first place, after graduation, facing the pressure of further education and employment, master solid professional knowledge, improve their comprehensive strength and competitiveness, avoid graduation that is, unemployment, I believe that after they become more excellent, after boarding a higher platform, they will have a deeper understanding of love.

Why are college girls prone to "getting pregnant"? In addition to the problems of boys, there are also these reasons

Although male college students do not need to face the risk of pregnancy, but also to shoulder their own responsibilities, take the feelings seriously, you know, falling in love is not a necessity during college, therefore, whether it is a boy or a girl, there is no need to force this, even if it is in love, you must master the measure and protect yourself.

- The End -

Author | Tommy

Edit | Good luck coming

The First Psychological Writing Group | A group of young people who like to look up at the stars

参考资料:Frederick, D. A., John, H. K. S., Garcia, J. R., & Lloyd, E. A. (2017). Differences in Orgasm Frequency Among Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual, and Heterosexual Men and Women in a U.S. National Sample. Archives of Sexual Behavior, 47(1), 273–288.

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