
Interpretation of the spirit of literary and art criticism of the times

General Secretary Xi Jinping pointed out, "We must attach great importance to and earnestly strengthen the work of literary and art criticism. Literary and art criticism is a mirror and a good medicine for literary and artistic creation, and is an important force for guiding creation, producing more fine products, improving aesthetics, and leading fashion." "Literary and art criticism has weakened its function of praising and derisively distinguishing it, lacking combat effectiveness and persuasiveness, and is not conducive to the healthy development of literature and art." The call to strengthen the construction of literary and art criticism has become more and more loud. In this context, Professor Zhang Jiang, former vice president of the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences and former editor-in-chief of the Chinese Social Sciences Magazine, edited the "Reshaping the Spirit of Literary criticism: Literary Vision" series of commentaries (People's Publishing House, December 2021 edition) was published.

Interpretation of the spirit of literary and art criticism of the times

Professor Zhang Jiang, former vice president of the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences and former editor-in-chief of the China Social Sciences Magazine, edited "Reshaping the Spirit of Literary criticism: A Series of Commentaries on Literary Vision"

(People's Publishing House, December 2021 edition)

The book is divided into two parts: literary vision and sea tide observation. Literary Guanxiang (later changed to Literary and Art Guanxiang) is a literary theory criticism column jointly organized by the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences and People's Daily, with Professor Zhang Jiang as a whole responsible for planning and hosting the column, which lasted from January 2014 to 2018. Watching the Tide at Sea is a column jointly organized by the Marxist Literary and Art Theory and Criticism Innovation Engineering Team of the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, led by Professor Zhang Jiang, in cooperation with Shanghai Wen Wei Po. The editors bring together more than 60 articles in the above two columns, each of which adopts the form of dialogue, invites a number of experts and scholars to discuss in depth around a topic, and comprehensively analyzes the important issues faced by literary and artistic creation and criticism.

The book has a strong lineup of authors, bringing together more than 120 scholars, experts and writers. They are all in the front line of literature and art, with keen and unique vision, profound theoretical and practical skills, and their texts reflect rich experience in literary and artistic creation, profound academic accumulation and ardent expectations for the development of literature and art. The fresh and lively sense of the dialogue style of newspapers and periodicals also makes the whole book linger in the strong atmosphere of the literary and art scene, like a topographic map of contemporary literary and art criticism, in which the strange ravines, mountains, rivers and rivers are presented to the reader at a glance. Reading this book has both a sense of sharpness, a thought-provoking and inspiring topic, and a sense of fresh breeze. It is neither a high-ranking lecture in the college nor an eye-catching work in the media, but a wonderful dialogue that is both realistic, theoretical, professional and plain, demonstrating the unremitting efforts to reshape the spirit of literary and art criticism.

Face up to criticism and restore vitality

The book confronts many of the current ills of literary and art criticism and sharply dissects the criticism itself. Under the influence of marketization, popularization, globalization and mediatization, literature and art are constantly undergoing new changes, and it is urgent to criticize and play a distinguishing and leading role. However, the reality is that literary and art critics neither do anything nor can they abound; criticism "propaganda is more than research," "praise is more than criticism," and "micro is better than macroscopic"; criticism discourse is empty, ungrounded, rigid and outdated, and lifeless. The biggest symptom of literary and art criticism lies in the loss of the spirit of criticism, the loss of critical vitality, and the lag behind the times and literary creation. In articles such as "What Kind of Criticism Literature Needs", "Is Current Criticism a Scholar", "Why Criticism Is Criticized", and "What Literary and Art Criticism Wants is Criticism", interlocutors start from their respective experiences and professional fields, and call for the restoration of the vitality of criticism in profound self-examination and reflection.

The book diagnoses various "difficult and complicated diseases" that suffocate the vitality of criticism, such as disconnection with living literary practice, the shackles of various interest relations, the side effects of literary marginalization, and the internal circulation of criticism in professional circles and is not considered to be true learning. In view of this, criticism needs to work hard in terms of multidimensionality, quality enhancement, and empathy. Multi-dimensional is the pursuit of the diversity of literary and art criticism methods, the breadth and sensitivity of the tentacles, and then enhance the artistry of language; quality growth lies in improving the quality of literary criticism, so that it truly affects creation, and plays the role of mentors and friends; empathy emphasizes enhancing the influence and radiation of literary and art criticism, so that it closely interacts with creators, and influences and leads the reader's spiritual world, producing positive social effects. This requires literary and art criticism to go out of the small circle and ivory tower and become a "ferryman" between literature and art and readers. In the final analysis, literary and art criticism should have the grand ambition to promote creation and lead the culture of the times, stir up clarity in the process of telling the truth to works, and shape the spiritual value of the times. This is the ambition to criticize itself, and it is also the source of motivation for its development. In addition, criticism is not a random expression of feelings and a simple judgment of good or bad, it needs theoretical support. In order to avoid the gradual conservatism and rigidity of existing theories, literary and art criticism needs to obtain theoretical enlightenment and self-renewal vitality from the current literary practice, generate theories and update theories from criticism, and intervene in the literary and artistic scene with new theoretical criticisms, so as to better play the role of "whetstone" and "perspective mirror".

Adhere to spiritual values and assume social responsibility

What kind of values there are, there are what kind of literary and artistic works. Many of the dialogues in the book touch on the superficial thinking of literary and artistic works, the enthusiasm for low-level fun, and the abandonment of the pursuit of spiritual values. The interlocutor has many years of deep experience in a certain field of literature and art, and his analysis is to the point, accurate and sophisticated, which is a living sample of literary and art criticism practice, and exudes unique sharpness and charm. Some articles have negative headlines such as "Can't..." and "No..." reflect distinct literary and artistic values. "Literature Cannot Be Attached to the Market", "Literature and Art Are Not "Cash Cows"", "Literature and Art Cannot Be Slaves to the Market", and "Sensory Entertainment Does Not Equal Spiritual Pleasure" deeply discuss the dialectical relationship between literature and art and the market. Literature and art must pass the threshold of the market, have the determination to reject the temptation of the market, be able to choose to guide the market, cultivate and transform the cultural market by influencing creators and audiences, adhere to the aesthetic ideals and spiritual pursuits of literature, and avoid the hollowing out of value. "Literature cannot "nihilistic" history", "Literature cannot dissolve morality", and "Literature cannot become negative energy" focus on the complex relationship between literature, history and morality, and clearly propose that literature should respect history, objectively evaluate history and historical figures; accept the test of ethics and morality, adhere to the moral bottom line; pursue sublime beauty, discover and spread positive energy. These articles rethink and return to the basic common sense of literature and art in a new context, and hold high the spiritual banner of literature and art with a firm critical stance.

There are also many articles in the book that emphasize the publicity and social responsibility of literature and art, and respond to the long-term formation of literary and artistic creation, which is only "self" and excessively addictive to the "small self". For example, "Literature, Please Return to Life" points out that literary scholars have long been trapped in "pavilions" and "ivory towers", isolated from life, and lost their "and material nature" to life. The literary self is also the social self, and there must be a solid basis for life in the work. "Literature is related to the hearts of the people of the world" believes that it is impossible for a writer's self-consciousness to be free of public awareness, but the way and depth of expression are different. "Reconstructing the Nationality of Literature", "The Chinese Spirit is the Soul of Literature and Art", "Literature and Art is the Engine of the National Spirit", "The Context of Literature is Connected with the National Context" and other articles, starting from literature and art as an important spiritual force for the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation, concentrate on expounding the role of literature and art in the construction and cohesion of the national spirit. Although these articles talk about major issues such as spiritual values and social responsibility, they do not shout slogans and speak with a straight face, but are grounded, lively and lively, with new insights, high and crowds.

Create high-quality works to climb the peak of literature and art

Everything depends on the work to speak. People are eager to read masterpieces that reflect the breadth of the times, the depth of human nature and the height of thought and art. It is the unshirkable responsibility of literary and art criticism to pick gold from a large number of works, distinguish good works, and explain the good works. The book focuses on the successes and failures of literary and artistic creation, and expresses a strong desire to look forward to the new classics of the new era.

Classics set the standard for literary creation and criticism. Ancient literary and artistic classics have a high status and recognition, but we should not be thick and thin, and it is equally important to construct contemporary literary and artistic classics. "Defending Literary Classics" believes that defending contemporary literary classics, including red classics, is to defend the history and culture of the nation. The standard of classics is multi-dimensional, and it is necessary to use the yardstick of literary classics in the present, discover and judge contemporary classics, and present the value and significance of contemporary classics in reading and interpretation. From the perspective of creation, an important feature of fine works is the touching and profound artistic image. "Excellent Works Represent the Height of Literature" believes that writers should transcend various conventional views, have a fair and comprehensive knowledge and understanding of people and life, subtly portray images, and write a moving soul. To create a high-quality artistic image, creators need to slow down, sink their hearts, and avoid external customs interfering with creation. In this regard, writers such as Zhao Shuli, Liu Qing, Lu Yao, and Chen Zhongzhong can be exemplary. Articles such as "What is Deep Life- Starting from Zhao Shuli's Novel" and "The Meaning of Liu Qing" explore how writers can go deep into life, become the interveners of reality rather than bystanders, and internalize the emotional waves aroused by life into the expression of literary images, converging into the great rivers of the times.

Literary and artistic creation is inseparable from realism if we truly enter, heart, and love life. Starting from the combination of literature and art and real life, the book discusses in detail major theoretical and creative practice issues such as expressing life with realism, writing epic poems of the times, and writing Chinese dreams. "Where is the Charm of Realism" believes that the tradition of realism runs through the blood of Chinese literature, and the adherence to the spirit of realism and the promotion of people's nature are important factors for works to become the symbols of the times. "Creating a Legacy work with the heart of the world" believes that the key to the reason why good works can both belong to and transcend a specific era is the position of realism - loyal to life, loyal to the people, writing about the complexity of reality, the sorrows and joys of the people, and finding the spirit and direction of the times. "Extracting the Poetry of the New Era" believes that poetry is based on the writer's understanding of reality and the spiritual sculpture of dreams and hopes. Good works can show the poetry of the times and hopes for the future through the cross-section of individual life, reflecting the beauty of human nature and the beauty of life.

In the new era, the literary and artistic atmosphere is ever-changing, and the tide is rising, and "viewing the image" and "watching the tide" need to polish the "sharp weapon" of literary and artistic criticism and discover great works that match the great era. It is precisely with this original intention and mission that the book scans the current situation of Chinese literature and art in a panoramic way, and the topics and viewpoints it brings, the thinking and enlightenment it triggers, are not only the vivid practice of reshaping the spirit of literary and art criticism in the new era and creating a good atmosphere of criticism, but also the powerful footprints left by people with lofty ideals in our time when climbing the peak of literature and art.

(Author Affilications:China Social Sciences Magazine)

Editor: Chen Xuanyu

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