
Online lessons, how should children protect their eyesight?

Online lessons, how should children protect their eyesight?

Online classes have been around for a long time

It's true that it's bad for the eyes

According to professional data, 63.5% of the 711 million myopia patients in China are caused by blue light damage caused by vision loss.

Online lessons, how should children protect their eyesight?

What is blue light?

It mainly refers to light with a wavelength of 400-480 nm, which can penetrate the lens directly to the retina, causing damage to retinal cells.

Online lessons, how should children protect their eyesight?

Electronic products such as computers, iPads, and mobile phones emit this blue light.

Moreover, the younger the age, the greater the harm of this blue light to the eyes. This is why parents have been urged to keep their children as little as possible exposed to electronic products.

In this extraordinary period of the epidemic, it is also a last resort for children to take online classes. Is there any way to minimize the damage to your child's vision?

How to reduce the blue light damage of electronic products?

Avoid using your eyes at close range for long periods of time

Online lessons, how should children protect their eyesight?

Whether it is looking at a mobile phone or a tablet, TV, etc., watch it for about 20 minutes, you have to stand up and move for about 10 minutes, look at the distance, and relax your eyes.

Use your eyes in the proper light

Online lessons, how should children protect their eyesight?

Under the strong sunlight, the darker indoors are not suitable for reading books and reading mobile phones.

If you must work with electronic products at night, you must adjust the screen to the brightness of adaptation, and do not squint in the light of sufficient lighting.

To select a large screen

Different electronic devices have different degrees of damage to children's eyes. In general, the order of choice is:

The projector > a TV> desktop computer> a laptop> a tablet > a mobile phone.

In a word, the big one is not the small one. The words on the screen should also be large and not small.

Online lessons, how should children protect their eyesight?

Sit up straight

One arm:

When looking at the computer screen, keep one arm (about 50 cm) far away, ensuring that the upper part of the screen and the eyes can look straight;

When watching TV, the distance should be more than 4 times the diagonal distance of the screen;

When looking at the projector, the distance should be 3 meters away.

One Punch:

The body was about a fist away from the desk

One foot:

Eye and book distance of one foot (about 30 cm)

One inch:

Holding the pen finger about an inch (about 3 cm) from the tip of the pen

Online lessons, how should children protect their eyesight?

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