
71 years ago, the People's Daily "official propaganda", 71 years of literature warmth and strength

On March 28, 1951, the People's Literature Publishing House was established. On August 17, 1951, the People's Daily published a relevant report, which was the "official announcement" of the establishment of the People's Literature Publishing House, reflecting the high expectations placed by the party and the state on the People's Literature Publishing House. On March 28, 2022, the People's Literature Publishing House celebrated its 71st birthday. On the same day, the Humanities Society held a live broadcast activity of "Hello, Humanities Society - Celebrating the 71st Anniversary of the Founding of the People's Literature Publishing House", famous writers Zhang Wei, Li Er, Zhu Yong, Jiangnan, and the veteran editors of the Humanities Society, He Qizhi, Wen Jieruo, Mi Songyi, Luo Junce, Zhang Fusheng, and the majority of readers gathered together through the form of network live broadcast, jointly felt the warmth and power of literature, and jointly outlined the dreams and future of the Humanistic Society.

71 years ago, the People's Daily "official propaganda", 71 years of literature warmth and strength

Live event site

Famous artists and famous editors have a literary relationship for 71 years

Looking back at the 71 years of the People's Literature Publishing House, the endless stream of excellent works has constructed a brilliant literary galaxy. Behind the brilliant galaxy, there is a condensation of the creation of writers, the efforts of editors and the support of readers.

The live broadcast activity revolves around famous editors and famous artists, and is composed of two sub-themes: "Entering the Study Room of famous editors of the Humanities Society" and "Literary Dialogue - Me and the Humanistic Society".

In the "Entering the Study of the Famous Editors of the Humanities Society", online readers followed the live camera into the study of he Qizhi, Wen Jieruo, Mi Songyi, Luo Junce and Zhang Fusheng, five famous editors of the Humanities Society with an average age of more than 80 years old. Looking at their study, listening to their work and life in the Humanities Society, and absorbing their insights on literature and life, readers seem to be immersed in the broad and inclusive cultural atmosphere, rigorous and profound academic style and endless classic works of the Humanities Society.

71 years ago, the People's Daily "official propaganda", 71 years of literature warmth and strength

"Entering the Study of the Famous Editors of the Humanities Society" live broadcast link, the picture is Wen Jieruo

In the "Literary Dialogue - Me and the Humanistic Society" section, zhang Wei, Li Er, Zhu Yong, Jiangnan and other representatives of the writers of the Humanistic Society respectively told their literary love affairs with the Humanistic Society, reviewed the unforgettable publishing stories of the works, and shared their feelings about literature and writing, literature and life with the majority of readers, and their sharing was full of warmth and enlightenment.

71 years ago, the People's Daily "official propaganda", 71 years of literature warmth and strength

Writers such as Zhang Wei, Li Er, and Zhu Yong shared their literary love affairs with the Humanities Society during the live broadcast

Before the end of the event, Zang Yongqing, president of the People's Literature Publishing House, led all the members of the leadership team of the Humanities Society to express their gratitude to the writers, readers and friends of all the Humanities Societies, and made a vision for the future development of the Humanities Society. Zang Yongqing said that in the past 71 years, the People's Literature Publishing House has always breathed with the country and the people, shared the same destiny, and grown together. The Humanities Society uses the ancient and modern Chinese and foreign literary classics she published to nourish the hearts of generations of Chinese, and as the national team of Chinese literary publishing, the Humanistic Society is the only choice for good books.

The Humanities Society has been committed and created for 71 years

In 1951, in the compound of the Ministry of Culture of Dongsitoutiao in Beijing, feng Xuefeng, the first president and editor-in-chief, gathered with a group of writers, translators and publishers from all over the country to start a journey to create and develop the new Chinese literary publishing industry.

71 years ago, the People's Daily "official propaganda", 71 years of literature warmth and strength

Feng Xuefeng, the first president and editor-in-chief of the Humanities Society

It is understood that in the past 71 years, the Humanities Society has published nearly 20,000 kinds of books such as Chinese contemporary literature, modern literature, classical literature, foreign literature, literary theory, college liberal arts textbooks, and humanities works, with a total circulation of nearly 1.3 billion volumes, forming a high-grade, high-quality, inclusive ancient and modern literary book system that includes Chinese and foreign countries, and then forming a famous literary book publishing brand that aggregates "famous artists, famous works, famous translations, famous annotations, famous journals, and famous editors".

In the past year, DongXi's "Echo", Fan Wen's "Sun Turns", Tie Liu's "Patron", Wang Anyi's "A Knife, A Thousand Words", Liang Xiaosheng's "My Life and Me", Zhou Daxin's "Los Angeles Flowers", Huang Yongyu's "Wandering Man without Worries: Walk reading", Kang Zhen's "Kang Zhen Ancient Poetry 81 Lessons", Shao Li's "Golden Branch", Li Lanni's "Wild Land Spiritual Light", Li Xiuwen's "Poetry To See Me", Ma Weidu's "Back Shadow", Ge Liang's "Wa Cat", Lan Xiaolong's "Winter and Lion", Lao Teng's "". A number of influential and outstanding books, such as "Beidi", "Ordered" by Zhi'an, "Little Mr." by Pang Yuliang, "Northland" by Lao Teng, "1937, Yan'an Dialogue" by Thomas Arthur Bisen, and "One Hundred Literary Short Classics in the Centenary of the Founding of the Party", have been selected into the lists of "Good Books in China" and "Recommended Books for The Great Cause of The Hundred Years of Book Reflection".

In 2022, the Humanities Society will also publish a large number of new works by well-known domestic contemporary writers, as well as works by well-known foreign writers such as Günter Glass, J.M Coeche, Kenzaburo Oe, Isabelle Allende, Anne Prue and other well-known foreign writers.

71 years ago, the People's Daily "official propaganda", 71 years of literature warmth and strength

From March 22 to the end of April this year, the Humanities Society and the Beijing Book Building also jointly held the "Exhibition of Handwriting of Famous Artists in the Collection of the 71st Anniversary of the People's Literature Publishing House", displaying the handwritten letters of 23 modern and contemporary people, including Guo Moruo, Mao Dun, Ba Jin, Lao She, Cao Yu, Feng Xuefeng, Ye Shengtao, Feng Zikai, Qian Zhongshu, Zhu Guangqian, Ding Ling, Ji Xianlin, Wei Wei, Zhou Libo, Qi Gong, Yan Wenjing, etc., and the content of the letters was mostly the exchanges between writers and humanities editors in book publishing. This letter from writer reflects the path of perfection before the birth of a famous book. (Muzi)

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