
Song Zhicheng, the "iron tiger": wearing liver and guts, supporting the army and patriotism, running to vomit blood to avoid the enemy

"Iron Ma Hu" is a kind of wolf, and at the same time, it is also a nickname for a person.

No one knew what his name was, but since he had done several eye-catching things with his gun, his name had reached the ears of everyone in Pingyao County, Shanxi, like a whirlwind.

His surname is Song. His name is Song Zhicheng.

During the war years, Song Zhicheng supported the army and patriotism, put on liver and guts, was not afraid of sacrifice, and experienced hardships.


In 1926, the sixth day of the sixth month of the sixth lunar month.

Light rain, dusk, twilight, mist.

Song Zhicheng was born.

However, although Song Zhicheng received careful care from his parents, he still did not live a happy childhood.


Let people live to suffer sin.

He herded cattle, worked short jobs, and experienced human suffering and social exploitation.

At the end of 1937, the snow was like goose feathers, and the sky was fluttering.

Although the snow had stopped, the whistling north wind was still like countless needles, and the forest was unbearably cold.

At this time, the Japanese burned and plundered in the Heisuke area, killing and killing the people.

He hid in the mountains.

Song Zhicheng, the "iron tiger": wearing liver and guts, supporting the army and patriotism, running to vomit blood to avoid the enemy

In addition to a few pieces of barley cake that was harder than ice, lighter and tasteless than snow, the only thing he could eat and drink was the oncoming north wind, the flying snow and ice ballast in the wind.

His legs had been frozen red and swollen by the cold wind of the past few days, and two nasty frostbites had grown on his feet.

He had always thought that the acne on his face was the most annoying, but now he knew that it was not.

Song Zhicheng was now all over his body, from his face all the way to his heels, he couldn't find any acne, but two frostbites had emerged.

This kind of living sin was not suffered by man, and he began to hate the Japanese devils, the oppression and exploitation.

Slowly, this place began to appear in this place to save the suffering and rescue the Eighth Route Army.

They wielded swords on the battlefield to kill the enemy, spoke for the word "justice", and resisted the invaders.

Song Zhicheng began to realize that only by following the Chinese Communist Party could he drive out the Japanese and enable the poor to live a peaceful and happy life.

So he began to join the Hedong underground intelligence station to actively participate in the anti-Japanese salvation movement.

November 1942.

After years of war and fire, the city was destroyed and devastated, the displaced hungry people filled the way, and the sad voice of the trumpeter and the lady could be heard everywhere, which made people tear up and overwhelmed with sorrow.

The crimes of the Japanese are too numerous to describe.

In order to detect the activities of the Japanese army and the movement of troops, Song Zhicheng was sent to the Fenhe area of Zuojiabao.

This was the enemy war zone, where he managed to lurk and gain a great deal of intelligence.

One night in early December.

Night, heavy snow, the edge of a barren mountain, an ancient temple.

The cold night of the ancient temple adds a sense of tension to people.

In the main hall, two oil lamps were raised early, the green and oily lamps were bright, and they were attacked by the cold wind, sometimes they were so weak that they were almost extinguished, and sometimes they struggled to explode a few tiny sparks, flying everywhere, which was even more nervous! Ghost!

The door of the temple is not latched, the storm is blowing, the time is closed, and the squeak is chaotic!

Suddenly, at the left end of the ancient temple, a person turned out.

Everyone was very nervous and a little excited.

This mission was to escort a central chief, Liu Shaoqi.

Liu Shaoqi, alias HuFu, passed through Pingyao from Taihang to Lüliang back to Yan'an and crossed the Southern Tongpu Blockade Line.

The first time Song Zhicheng was so excited, his face was more urgent, time seemed not to allow him to think more, and after several nights of escort, Song Zhicheng successfully completed the task of escorting Liu Shaoqi.

This unforgettable and legendary escort experience made his determination and confidence in resisting Japan even stronger.


One night in July 1943.

Slightly moonlit, is curved winding hook moon.

Song Zhicheng joined the guerrillas in Xiwangzhi District, and later he joined the 12th Company of the 3rd Battalion, 13th Regiment, 13th Brigade, Lü Liangdu, Eighth Route Army (Li Fulai, then company commander, instructor Dong Quanlin).

Song Zhicheng, who became the Eighth Route Army, left many battle legends in the Hexi area of Pingjie County, and was once commended by the Lüliang Sub-district as a "hero who killed the enemy".

September 1945.

The weather is clear, the sun is rising, and the morning light penetrates the thin clouds of fish belly and shines above the village. Cooking smoke is everywhere, and chickens and dogs smell each other. The fog is clearing and the horizon is clearing.

It was a rare piece of tranquility.

Song Zhicheng, the "iron tiger": wearing liver and guts, supporting the army and patriotism, running to vomit blood to avoid the enemy

After the surrender, the Japanese army wanted to smuggle more than 100 Type 38 rifles, machine guns and military supplies stored on the platform of Pingyao Railway Station to Taiyuan at night through the Nantongpu train.

After Song Zhicheng learned the news, according to the instructions of Cheng Ke, secretary of the Pingjie County CPC Committee, and Feng Jianping, the governor of the third district, he actively cooperated with the eleventh regiment of the Lvliang Du fourth brigade and the local armed forces in the mountainous area to attack the railway station at night.

The night was three o'clock, everything was silent, and only a few points of light were still flashing.

When the train entered the encirclement, Song Zhicheng led the soldiers to fire long and short guns, and with the cover of fire, he quickly boarded the train and unloaded the guns, ammunition and munitions in the car.

When the train entered the station, Song Zhicheng and his party engaged in a fierce 30-minute exchange of fire with the Japanese army, and finally Song Zhicheng and the eleventh regiment of the Lüliang Du 4th Brigade attacked inside and outside, successfully repelling the enemy and escaping.

When the eleventh regiment moved with supplies, Song Zhicheng was responsible for blocking the enemy after breaking the rear.

When reinforcements arrived, Song Zhicheng threw a box of grenades at the ambush point in succession, blocking the enemy in the road, successfully exchanging a lot of time for his teammates to transfer the booty to the base area.


After the victory of the Anti-Japanese War, the common people thought that they could live a peaceful life.

However, yan Xishan, in order to seize the fruits of victory, occupied the city of Pingyao.

Yan Xishan's army went to the countryside everywhere to grab grain, loot, and seize Zhuangding.

When Song Zhicheng saw that the villagers were miserable, he actively organized armed workers and militias, and used tactics such as guerrilla warfare and ambushes to deal with Yan Xishan's troops.

He mobilized the masses to begin to clear the wilderness and rise up against the enemy.

Yan Xishan knew that song Zhicheng was leading people to block him every time, so he ordered him to be captured alive, and Yan Xishan's troops came to the village of Purification Township to set up an ambush to prepare to capture Song Zhicheng.

When Song Zhicheng came to the village of The Purification Township Camp, he got a message from the villagers, he quickly fled, was chased by the enemy, Song Zhicheng ran with all his strength, ran to spit blood, and finally threw off the enemy and escaped the pursuit.

After this thrilling escape, Song Zhicheng began to become more cautious and cautious, and when dealing with the enemy, he was very brave.

Because of his whereabouts, he was as fast as a wolf and as mysterious as a wolf. The locals call him "Iron Ma Hu", and the local dialect Ma Hu is a very fierce gray wolf.

Summer of 1948.

Mailong Caotun and Shanlin Village, all of them are full of color, deep as thick ink, the shadows of the trees are delicate, and the echoes reflect.

Song Zhicheng, the "iron tiger": wearing liver and guts, supporting the army and patriotism, running to vomit blood to avoid the enemy

June 6, dusk.

The sun had set, no, still on the top of the mountain, and the light of the sun was shining, burning half the sky red.

In the evening, Song Zhicheng led the armed engineering team to destroy the yan bandit army's northern official township office, which was very rapid, and also captured 3 machine guns, 2 small cannons, and more than 40 rifles.

On the 16th, Song Zhicheng accepted the instructions of Peng Shaohui, commander of the Lüliang Military Region, and killed more than 30 enemy people in the Dongfen River in Caojiapu Village, capturing more than 200 Type 99 rifles, 2 heavy machine guns, 5 light machine guns, and 2 mortars.

After the founding of New China, Song Zhicheng actively responded to the party's call, took root in the countryside with full enthusiasm, and threw himself into socialist production and construction.

With the dream of building a beautiful homeland, he actively organized villagers to open mountains and build roads and build canals.

Especially in the field of cotton planting technology, Song Zhicheng has made great contributions.

In September 2012, Song Zhicheng died of illness at home

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