
General Yang Jingyu's "widow" was lost for eight years, and how hard it took underground workers to retrieve it

Among the anti-Japanese generals in the northeast, the most famous and tragic one is definitely General Yang Jingyu.

After the September 18 Incident, General Yang Jingyu organized the establishment of the First Route Army of the Anti-Japanese Coalition Army, which became a unit that made the Japanese army feel frightened. Unfortunately, on February 23, 1940, Yang Jingyu was surrounded by the Japanese army, refused to surrender, and was outnumbered and killed by the Japanese army at the age of 35.

The Japanese army brutally cut open its abdomen, and there was not a single grain of grain except bark, grass roots, and cotton wool. Although he respected a man in his heart, he finally put his head down with a knife and printed a large number of pictures, sprinkled it on the place where the Anti-Japanese League had fought, and claimed that "Yang Jingyu's troops" had been eliminated.

General Yang Jingyu's "widow" was lost for eight years, and how hard it took underground workers to retrieve it

What is even more shameful is that the Japanese army soaked General Yang's head in medicated water, pulled it in a car, showed it to the public, and finally sent it to the medical room of the Kwantung Army Headquarters in puppet Manchuria, where it was secretly hidden.

From what period onwards, the retrieval of General Yang's remains became a major event to which the Communist Party attached great importance.

The secret of General Yang Jingyu's bequest comes from a message provided by the Kuomintang

In October 1948, near the end of the Liaoshen Campaign, hundreds of thousands of Nationalist troops were besieged with Changchun for seven months. It was during this period that the Kuomintang agent Xiang Naiguang obtained a potion-soaked skull from the Japanese Kwantung Army and secretly hid it.

General Yang Jingyu is a member of the Communist Party of China, and his widow must not fall into the hands of the Kuomintang and must be recovered. The Central Committee also ordered that at all costs, it was determined to win.

Where is the head of General Yang Jingyu?

General Yang Jingyu's "widow" was lost for eight years, and how hard it took underground workers to retrieve it

On August 15, 1945, after the surrender of Japan, Changchun was taken over by the remnants of the puppet Manchu forces, and the Japanese puppet hospital yuan took the head away. On April 18, 1946, after four months of fierce fighting, the Communist forces successfully took Changchun, but unfortunately, they did not know where General Yang's head went, and they were forced to withdraw.

Determine where the remains are hidden

The Northeast Bureau of the CPC immediately summoned underground workers of the Songjiang Military Region and set up a special reconnaissance group, with Zhang Zhengping as the leader of the group, and members including Li Yeguang, Hou Jianquan, Liu Yaguang, Li Guangde, Li Xuesong, and others.

According to some information in front of him, the skull is likely to be hidden in Changchun Medical College.

At that time, the medical school had been closed, and it was still the garrison of the Kuomintang 2nd Cavalry Brigade, and it was not a simple matter to want to enter, even if officers and soldiers and their families wanted to enter, they had to go through strict inspections.

General Yang Jingyu's "widow" was lost for eight years, and how hard it took underground workers to retrieve it

In the end, the investigation team decided that Li Guangde disguised himself as a tofu seller and conducted an investigation around the area, and Hou Jianquan took aspirin and approached the health team of the brigade headquarters on the pretext of selling drugs to inquire about the news. Liu Yaguang himself was a doctor, and on the grounds of the labor army, he went to the health team to spy on the situation.

Liu Yaguang, with his identity, introduced himself to the captain of the health team, because of the difficulty of beating you in the war, the lack of medical treatment, the hospital is difficult to open, please help him to seek a messenger in the health team, in this way, Liu Yaguang successfully broke into the interior, and finally got the exact news: in the medical equipment room of the medical school, there are two very terrible human head specimens.

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What means were used by the reconnaissance team to get the remains out

From the heavily guarded brigade headquarters, it is difficult to get the remains out!

At the same time, the Kuomintang agent Xiang Naiguang made several inspections to the brigade headquarters to learn about the preservation of Yang Jingyu's remains, and personally arranged the measures, just to prevent this object from falling into the hands of the Communist Party. In addition to the guard posts of the brigade headquarters, there are also dark posts in the medical room, which are monitored day and night.

General Yang Jingyu's "widow" was lost for eight years, and how hard it took underground workers to retrieve it

At this time, the 100,000 Kuomintang troops in the city had lost all morale, and there were also many contradictions between the military command and the central command. The reconnaissance team finally found an opportunity. One of Zhang Zhengping's brother-in-law, Jing Enpu, is a doctor at Changchun Puji Hospital and an underground Communist Party worker.

He had a very good relationship with the commander of the cavalry company, Zhang Zhichen, and even worshiped his brother.

One night, Jing Enpu and Zhang Zhichen talked about one thing for a long time, in a blind chat. The communists were about to enter the city, and when the communists were about to kill all the Kuomintang troops, they would most likely be sent home. Why not take advantage of this opportunity to get some money to hide, disarm and return to the field, and not go back with a breeze in both sleeves.

Jing Enpu continued: In the warehouse of your brigade health team, there are many medical equipment left by the Japanese army, which is very valuable, why don't we take this opportunity to sell it on the hour, and I will help you sell it at a good price!

In this way, the two secretly made a plan.

General Yang Jingyu's "widow" was lost for eight years, and how hard it took underground workers to retrieve it

In this way, the underground workers, after careful planning, secretly shipped out some valuable medical equipment, including two skull specimens.

After the liberation of Changchun, after identification, two heads, one is General Yang Jingyu, and the other is also the anti-Japanese general Chen Hanzhang.

Eight years later, the remains of the two anti-Japanese generals finally returned to the hands of the people.

The remains of General Chen Hanzhang were first preserved in the Harbin Martyrs' Cemetery, and after the return of General Yang Jingyu, a martyrs' cemetery was specially established in Tonghua to show the admiration of future generations for the hero.

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