
Why did no new steppe peoples appear in northern China after the formation of the Mongols?

In fact, the iterations of the peoples on the steppes are easy to identify – once a new conqueror emerges, it is possible for the entire race to iterate.

Before Genghis Khan, the peoples of the steppe did not have a stable writing system. For example, the Huns, no one can know exactly what language they speak, why? No text.

Another example is the Jurchen, there was no writing before the establishment of the Jin Dynasty, after the establishment of the Jin Dynasty, the Jurchen character was created, and later the Jurchen small character was studied. As a result, by the end of the Ming Dynasty, no one would use it, and it was all in Mongolian. Later, he founded the old Manchu script, and the Jurchen characters were completely two writing systems, which were not common to each other.

Therefore, whenever there was a change of regime in the ancient steppe peoples, the original people either joined the new team or packed up and went to Europe to expand their territory. There is no burden on the people who join the new team, anyway, everyone does not use words, there is nothing to keep, just a few pieces of clothing and a few horses...

This situation changed until the Khitan era, and by the Mongol period, it was completely released.

Why did no new steppe peoples appear in northern China after the formation of the Mongols?

During the period of the Four Great Mongol Khanates

First of all, the Mongol Khanate itself should be considered. The Mongol Khanate actually merged the so-called Niren Mongols and the Paleo Turkic tribes to the west. It also includes the Chuyi Thi, the forest tribes of the Baikal to Altay region. In other words, after the establishment of the Mongol Empire, the Mongols were a mixed tribe dominated by the Eastern Hu ethnic group. For example, the famous Mongol empress instigated Lu Hetiani, that is, the mother of Möngke, Kublai Khan, Hulagu, and Ali Buge. Because her four sons were called Khans at different times, and even established the Yuan Dynasty and the Ilkhanate, it is not an exaggeration to say that Sheru Hetiani is also known as the mother of the Four Khans, or that she is the old grandmother of the Golden Family.

The Kriebu of the pre-Mongol period and the Pre-Mongol Kriebu were an Ancient Turkic tribe that practiced Nestorianism. Helu Hetiani was Wang Han's niece.

However, by the time of the Mongol Khanate, the Krebu of the Mongol Plateau had disappeared and merged into the Mongol Khanate.

So the Mongol Khanate was actually a fusion, and the Mongol nation after the establishment of the Mongol Empire was the same, and you have me and I have you.

The emergence of a new nation

After the Mongol Khanate, a new ethnic group, the Tatars, was indeed integrated, and the Chinese called the Tatars (with a small population in the country).

This Tatar tribe is not the Tatar tribe that poisoned Genghis Khan's father in the pre-Mongol period, but the Tatar tribe may also be an ancient Turkic tribe. However, after the establishment of the Mongol Khanate, the Tatars, or Tatars, who were widely distributed in Eurasia, were not directly related to the Tatar tribes before them.

The Tatars in the modern sense are closely related to the Mongol Khanate, and in fact they are descendants of Turkic Mongols, or turkic descendants who served the Golden Horde. It is roughly divided into Crimea, Siberia, Kazan and other ethnic groups. But they, like the Mongols who retreated back to the north, were unable to begin their conquest again.


Age of Empires

In the 17th century, two powerful empires arose in the eastern and western parts of Eurasia. The Qing Empire and the Romanov Dynasty, respectively, the rise of these two dynasties completely locked in the powerful forces in the interior of Asia and Europe, affecting their iteration. It should be said that the rise of Tsarist Russia was slightly earlier, and the Qing Dynasty was later. The two empires formed a joint force, curbing the power of the nomadic peoples from the northwest and northeast directions. Since then, the nomadic powers have entered a period of decline.

It should be noted that the enmity between Tsarist Russia and these nomads is not small. In the early period of Tsarist Russia, there was also a large-scale construction in Central Asia and the establishment of the Tsarist version of the Great Wall, in order to block the invasion of the Tatars. Therefore, there are many people in the Great Wall, but not many have been preserved.

The rules of the upper position

Genghis Khan set the rule that non-golden families could not be called khans, and this rule objectively limited the rise of new forces on the steppe. All the nomads respected this rule, even if it was only a puppet who came to power. The Mongol Empire survived in this environment.

During the Qing Empire

During the Kangxi Dynasty, the Qing Empire controlled Mongolia through marriage. The possibility of producing new khans was eliminated.

Iteration of weapons

Why did Tsarist Russia become the nemesis of the nomads?

The tactics of Tsarist Russia and the Ming Dynasty are the same, both are artillery blockade tactics, Tsarist Russia even in the monastery also installed forts, in China, look, which temple has cannons?

The reason why the Tsarist Russia did this was because they had no danger to defend, and the great plains of the Pingchuan River were flat. So it can only increase the defense.

The tactics of the Ming Dynasty are actually not wrong, but the era of the Ming Dynasty is still a little early, so the Ming Dynasty muskets are not good, the technology is relatively backward, the processing technology is also poor, and it is impossible to establish a gun and artillery unit that can fight in the field, basically in a mixed state of hot and cold weapons. Tsarist Russia could absorb European gun technology and strategic ideas. In the 17th-19th centuries, slowly accumulated infiltration.

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