
Liu Bang came out of Sichuan in 1 month, why is Kong Ming still in the same place in 7 years?

Liu Bang came out of Sichuan in 1 month, why is Kong Ming still in the same place in 7 years? You may not believe it when you say it

Introduction: Bashu is a very rich place, many dynasties are based on it to establish a unified hegemony, the earliest can be traced back to the Wu King, when the Zhou people were able to defeat the merchants with the support of bashu's fierce army and materials, and later the Qin state destroyed Shu, and used this as a base to attack the Six Kingdoms. Hundreds of years later, Liu Bang was sealed in Shu Land, and he relied on this territory to compete with the Chu State for four years, and finally established the Great Han. In another four hundred years, Zhuge Liang followed Liu Bang's example, using Bashu as a base and going out of Sichuan to cut down Wei.

Liu Bang came out of Sichuan in 1 month, why is Kong Ming still in the same place in 7 years?

When Kong Ming was not yet out, he had already thought about how to unify the world, and Bashu was an important part of it, 10 years later, he really assisted Liu Bei to get Bashu, although Jingzhou was not able to keep it, but the strength of the Shu state at that time was much stronger than that of Liu Bang four hundred years ago, since he could rely on Bashu to fight with Xiang Yu, then Zhuge Liang could also rely on the land of a state to restore the Central Plains. However, Liu Bang only took January to leave the river, and it was only four years to pacify the world, so why did Zhuge Liang spend seven years still in the same place?

Liu Bang came out of Sichuan in 1 month, why is Kong Ming still in the same place in 7 years?

According to the mainstream view, the reasons for Kong Ming's failure can be summed up as nothing more than a few, metaphysicians feel that it is because it is not timely, military experts think that Kong Ming is a good hand at playing politics, but he is only a rookie in leading the battle, and bystanders have summed up more reasons, such as disparity in strength, trouble in the rear, poor grain and grass, etc., but the author does not want to remain so clichéd today, in fact, Kong Ming struggled for so many years without success There is also a very unpopular reason, that is, the earthquake, from a major earthquake in the 400 years before Kong Ming's Northern Expedition.

Liu Bang came out of Sichuan in 1 month, why is Kong Ming still in the same place in 7 years?

In 186 BC, just 16 years after Liu Bang ascended to the throne, a major earthquake occurred in the Wudu area, and the aftershocks lasted for nearly 8 months, although the casualties were not large, but completely changed the hydrological conditions in Hanzhong and Shuzhong. Liu Bang's route into Guanzhong in that year was Hanshui - Chushui - Weishui, which shows that Hanzhong and Guanzhong were connected by waterway, and Liu Bang relied on this waterway to conveniently transport Hanzhong's materials to the front line, and defeated the Three Qins in a very short period of time, which shows that it is very convenient to transport troops through the ancient Han Water, so before the Han Dynasty, the land of Bashu was not dangerous.

Liu Bang came out of Sichuan in 1 month, why is Kong Ming still in the same place in 7 years?

However, the earthquake shook off the guhan river, making it impossible to navigate, and the connection between the Han river and the Weishui was broken. Four hundred years later, Zhuge Liang wanted to go out of Sichuan, there was no water route to go, so he had to take the land route, but no matter which land route into Guanzhong was very rugged and difficult to walk, whether it was marching or transporting grain, it was very difficult, attacking Chen Cang, only half a month because of poor grain and grass and retreated, the Battle of Shangyi was originally a big victory, or because logistics could not keep up and withdrew, and finally when he went out of Wuzhangyuan, he simply stopped counting on hanzhong grain, and he stored grain in his own field to prepare for a protracted war, but he failed to defeat time.

Liu Bang came out of Sichuan in 1 month, why is Kong Ming still in the same place in 7 years?

Conclusion: An earthquake from four hundred years ago not only trapped Zhuge Liang four hundred years later, but also completely changed the traffic environment in northern Sichuan, until the Tang Dynasty, people still often lamented the difficulty of Shu Road. In fact, Liu Bei saw this as early as before his death, so he would desperately raise an army to cut down Jingxiang, the purpose of which was to open up the route into the Central Plains in the east to avoid the northern line with difficult traffic. What is very strange is that this seems to confirm the judgment of metaphysicians that Kong Ming's death was due to the death of Tianshiye.

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