
In 1969, when the Soviet Union wanted to carry out a nuclear strike against China, the chairman proposed a change of home tactic, and the United States and the Soviet Union panicked

The west wind is particularly strong, and the long sky geese are called frost morning moon.

In 1969, Chairman Mao was in Zhongnanhai to view the world situation, when China was already on the cusp of the storm, because the Soviet Union, the dominant superpower in the north, did not know how many nuclear warheads were aimed at the land of China.

The most critical thing is that we did not have a large number of countermeasures at that time, and in the face of the nuclear threat of a big country, in the face of a hair-trigger nuclear war, we ... Go?

At this time, Chairman Mao, a generation of great men, put forward a magnificent tactic -- the tactic of changing homes and recreating China!

In 1969, when the Soviet Union wanted to carry out a nuclear strike against China, the chairman proposed a change of home tactic, and the United States and the Soviet Union panicked

In the face of a terrible nuclear bomb, we used this majestic and tragic strategy to give the Soviet Union no chance of nuclear deterrence against our country, because we threatened the Soviet Union itself.

What was the beginning and end of this crisis?

How did Chairman Mao do it?

What does the home change tactic mean?

First, China and the Soviet Union have a bad relationship

In 1958, our army had been reduced to 2.37 million, but by 1965, our army had increased to an order of magnitude of 5 million.

The reason for all this is the former "big brother" of the past on the northern border of our country, and the enemy of the present, the Soviet Union.

In 1969, when the Soviet Union wanted to carry out a nuclear strike against China, the chairman proposed a change of home tactic, and the United States and the Soviet Union panicked

The two great powers, China and the Soviet Union, established close, unbreakable relations and friendships in the early 1950s. At that time, in order to help Korea fight against the United Nations army, which was mainly the United States, the volunteer army fought hard, defeated the American army, and also made China's reputation in the world.

At that time, Stalin and Chairman Mao always stood together, and after Khrushchev came to power, the friendship between the Soviet Union and China developed in a long and intimate way, the Soviet Union also sent a large number of experts to help China build socialism, and a large number of Chinese students went to the Soviet Union to study - at that time, the international communist spirit shone brightly, and we were all comrades.

In 1969, when the Soviet Union wanted to carry out a nuclear strike against China, the chairman proposed a change of home tactic, and the United States and the Soviet Union panicked

Later, everything changed, at the end of the 50s. The CPSU completely denied Stalin's historical merits, leading to a great confusion in the thinking of the people in the socialist camp, and the chairman at that time thought that Stalin was "more meritorious than excessive".

The real disagreement between China and the Soviet Union was due to the sovereignty of the two countries, first in 1958, when they made a proposal that China and the Soviet Union jointly build a long-wave radio station somewhere along the Coast of China.

The Chairman immediately became alert, that China had always been sensitive to this issue, and he offered to own the entire ownership of the radio, with his own money and not relying on the Soviet Union. Peng Dehuai fed back to the Soviet side according to this meaning, but the Soviet Union did not care and still insisted on Sino-Soviet co-ownership.

In 1969, when the Soviet Union wanted to carry out a nuclear strike against China, the chairman proposed a change of home tactic, and the United States and the Soviet Union panicked

Two months later, on June 28, we proposed to the Soviet Union that it would provide some help in building new naval vessels in China.

Unexpectedly, the Soviet Union finally revealed its true intentions, and the Soviet ambassador to China, Eugene, proposed in the name of Khrushchev when talking with the chairman, because the Soviet Union did not have a sea outlet in the Far East, so it wanted to build a naval fleet with China, that is, the "joint fleet".

Chairman Mao asked: Is it because if you do not cooperate, you will not help?

This is a core issue involving China's sovereignty, who is the military? Whose command will you be under when the time comes? Once the two countries have a disagreement, who do these gunboats listen to?

On July 31, Khrushchev came to China, Chairman Mao met with the leader of the Soviet Union, and sure enough, in the course of the talks, Khrushchev once again proposed to Chairman Mao Zedong to establish a "joint fleet" with China.

In 1969, when the Soviet Union wanted to carry out a nuclear strike against China, the chairman proposed a change of home tactic, and the United States and the Soviet Union panicked

Chairman Mao Zedong smoked a cigarette next to him, then looked closely at Khrushchev and asked bluntly: "Please tell me what a 'combined fleet' is." ”

Khrushchev said: "The Soviet Union has paid for and technology to set up this long-wave radio station for you, and it does not matter who this radio station is, we in the Soviet Union are only using this radio station to maintain radio contact with our submarines, and our main base is actually ..."

Chairman Mao was already furious, and his palm slammed the table hard, stood up, pointed at Khrushchev, and said: "This huge pile of what you are talking about is irrelevant, I ask you, what is a 'combined fleet'?" ”

Chairman Mao confronted the interpreter, pointed at Khrushchev and said, "Ask him what a combined fleet is!" ”

"I asked you to ask him what a combined fleet is!"

Khrushchev blushed and said: "Countries like the Atlantic Treaty Organization have no problems with mutual cooperation and supply, but how can we not even reach an agreement on such a thing?" ”

In 1969, when the Soviet Union wanted to carry out a nuclear strike against China, the chairman proposed a change of home tactic, and the United States and the Soviet Union panicked

Chairman Mao said emphatically, "Absolutely not!"

He also said, "The British, as well as the Japanese, and many other, many other foreigners who have been on the soil of our country for a long time and have been driven away by us, Comrade Khrushchev, and finally again, we no longer want anyone to use our own land for their ends!" ”

The talks finally ended in displeasure, and Khrushchev never spoke of the combined fleet again and returned to China.

Not many years later, under the long-term friction between China and the Soviet Union, the Soviets showed their fangs, on March 2, 1969, the Soviet Border Guard Invaded China's Territory Treasure Island, and also attacked china's border patrol personnel, killing and injuring 6 people's children and soldiers, the territory is inviolable, and the Chinese Border Guard Forces began to counterattack in self-defense.

In 1969, when the Soviet Union wanted to carry out a nuclear strike against China, the chairman proposed a change of home tactic, and the United States and the Soviet Union panicked

After the counterattack began, our country killed and wounded dozens of Soviet troops, destroyed and destroyed several local armored vehicles and command vehicles.

By March 15, the fighting was more intense than ever, and on that day, the Soviets dispatched more than 50 tanks and armored vehicles, fired about 10,000 shells at Chinese territory, and even dispatched aircraft.

In 1969, when the Soviet Union wanted to carry out a nuclear strike against China, the chairman proposed a change of home tactic, and the United States and the Soviet Union panicked

Under the condition of inferior firepower, the Chinese army repelled three large-scale attacks of the Soviet army and showed extremely strong combat effectiveness, killing more than 60 people including the commander of the border defense of the Soviet army, captains and other people in the battle, and wounding more than 80 people.

That night, the Soviets also tried to drag back their tanks, but they were found by the Chinese army, covered by fire, and their plan was not successful.

For nearly two months, the two sides fought a variety of battles, and there was a fierce artillery battle, and in the battle for the crucial evidence of aggression, a Su 545 tank, the Soviet army tried to snatch it back, saw the robbery failed, and blew up many times, and in the end, they did not succeed.

The tank has now been delivered to the Military Museum of the Chinese Revolution in Beijing, which is the ironclad evidence of the Soviet Union's invasion of Chinese territory and will never be erased.

In 1969, when the Soviet Union wanted to carry out a nuclear strike against China, the chairman proposed a change of home tactic, and the United States and the Soviet Union panicked

At this time, the Soviet side had withdrawn its experts to support China's construction many years ago, and the exchanges between the two countries were not so close, and the relations between the two countries seemed to never go back.

Second, the Soviet Plan for a Surgical Nuclear Strike

Since the founding of New China in 1949, it has also faced countless nuclear threats and nuclear blackmail, but with the efforts of scientists represented by Qian Xuesen, we finally have our own nuclear bombs and hydrogen bombs, which makes Chinese raise their eyebrows.

In these countries, what we really and urgently feel is the nuclear threat from the Soviet Union.

After the zhenbao island self-defense counterattack, the reaction of the Soviet leadership was very fierce, and the military hawks led by Marshal Greziko and others of the Soviet Union put forward a very terrible idea of the Chinese threat once and for all.

In 1969, when the Soviet Union wanted to carry out a nuclear strike against China, the chairman proposed a change of home tactic, and the United States and the Soviet Union panicked

The Soviet Union believed that according to the speed of China's development, it would definitely become a threat to the Soviet Union in the future, so the Soviet military wanted to take the initiative to use medium-range ballistic missiles in the Far East, carrying nuclear warheads with a yield of several million tons in the missiles, and bombarding Important cities and important locations such as Jiuquan and Beijing in China.

In 1969, when the Soviet Union wanted to carry out a nuclear strike against China, the chairman proposed a change of home tactic, and the United States and the Soviet Union panicked

This was the Soviets' "surgical nuclear strike" against China's military, political, and other important targets. If this plan is really launched, then after the violent explosion, the land of Huaxia will become a barren land full of radioactive dust and radioactive elements, and it will not be possible for people to live.

Because the United States and the Soviet Union were engaged in a Cold War at that time, which was the famous cold war and arms race between the two superpowers, the Soviet Union did not want the United States to misunderstand, so the Soviets felt the need to tell the Americans their intentions, so as not to have uncontrollable consequences.

On August 20 of that year, the Soviet ambassador to the United States, Dobrynin, received a message from his homeland, so he hurried to find the U.S. president's national security adviser, an old acquaintance of the Chinese people, Kissinger, who informed Kissinger of the Soviet Union's plan to launch a nuclear strike against China.

In 1969, when the Soviet Union wanted to carry out a nuclear strike against China, the chairman proposed a change of home tactic, and the United States and the Soviet Union panicked

In fact, the purpose of the Soviet Union has been very clear, that is, at the current tense moment of Sino-US relations, if the Soviet Union carries out a nuclear strike against China, it hopes that the United States will also remain neutral.

The next morning, kissinger arrived at the White House, where Nixon was impatient, and President Richard Nixon looked at Kissinger and asked, "Henry, say, what trouble has happened?" ”

Kissinger took out a dozen pieces of paper full of words and placed them on Nixon's desk, and he said: "Look, the Soviet Union wants to use nuclear weapons against China, and just last night, Mr. Dobrynin came to me and talked to me all night, and the guys in the Soviet Kremlin wanted to eliminate the threat of Eastern China forever with nuclear missiles, and they wanted our opinion." ”

In 1969, when the Soviet Union wanted to carry out a nuclear strike against China, the chairman proposed a change of home tactic, and the United States and the Soviet Union panicked

After consulting with a handful of senior officials, President Richard Nixon argued that the greatest threat in the Western bloc came from the Soviet Union, that we needed a strong China, and that a ruined China was not in the interest of the United States.

Most importantly, once the Soviets opened the nightmare of "nuclear weapons" for all mankind, in the early stages, the countries of the world were bound to crawl under the threat of the Soviet Union, and I am afraid that even the United States, after seeing the nuclear pollution that covered the sky, would not be able to hold on.

Therefore, the United States has formed a unanimous opinion: first, as long as the United States opposes it, then the Soviet Union will not easily use nuclear weapons; second, it should find ways to inform China of the Soviet Union's intention to carry out a nuclear strike against China. However, at that time, the relationship between China and the United States was very poor, it can be said that it has been a long-standing grudge, if you tell China directly, Chinese not only will not believe it, but may feel that the United States is playing some tricks.

The Americans thought of a way, they decided to let a very inconspicuous newspaper on their own page, publish this news, poke this news out, many people know that the Americans flaunt their values, there is no secret to speak of, so that if the Soviet General Secretary Brezhnev knows, he can not blame the United States.

On August 28, a newspaper called the Washington Star suddenly published a very sensational message called "The Soviet Union Wants to Perform a Surgical Nuclear Strike on China."

The article said in a very responsible tone: "According to reliable information, the Soviet side wants to use medium-range ballistic missiles, carrying nuclear warheads with a capacity of several million tons, to carry out surgical nuclear strikes on important locations in China." ”

The news caused an uproar around the world, and the strong repercussions caused Brezhnev to be furious, and he already knew that the plan had been leaked.

At the same time, China also knew the news, and chairman Mao, after listening to Premier Zhou Enlai's report, only said lightly: "It is not to fight a nuclear war, the atomic bomb is very powerful, but the contemptible people are not afraid." ”

Third, Chairman Mao's unprecedented tactics of changing homes

Before the Battle of Zhenbao Island, the four grand marshals formed a secret group called the International Studies Research Group, whose members were the well-known Marshals Chen Yi, Ye Jianying, Nie Rongzhen, and Xu Xiangqian, who specialized in studying the current international situation facing New China and providing suggestions and decision-making basis.

Later, according to the information revealed by the Americans, the marshals judged that the possibility of the Soviet Union taking the National Day of this year to carry out a sneak attack on China was very high, and the marshals and the staff around the chairman also strongly urged the chairman to go to the south to hide, because, in Beijing, if the Soviets launched missiles, then the warning time left for Beijing was too short.

In 1969, when the Soviet Union wanted to carry out a nuclear strike against China, the chairman proposed a change of home tactic, and the United States and the Soviet Union panicked

Chairman Mao was not afraid, he was not blindly optimistic, but said: "In the history of the Ming Dynasty, Zhu Sheng is a very remarkable person, he made the first contribution to the Ming Emperor Zhu Yuanzhang as emperor, and he also has a nine-character national policy. ”

At this time, Premier Zhou took over Chairman Mao Zedong's words and recalled: "It is 'building walls high, accumulating grain in large quantities, and slowly becoming king'. ”

Yes, that's it. In view of the current situation, Chairman Mao said decisively: "I also have nine words here, that is, 'digging deep holes, accumulating grain in large quantities, and not seeking hegemony'. ”

Under the guidance of this nine-character policy, we have entered a state of war readiness of "preparing for war" on a national scale. "Broad grain" refers to the relocation of China's most important heavy industrial equipment and facilities into the southwest mountainous areas, which is the famous "big third line" and "small third line" construction in history.

The idea of "digging deep holes" was first proposed by Marshal Nie Rongzhen, who said that if you refer to the results of the atomic bombs dropped on Hiroshima and Nagasaki in Japan in the United States, then you will know that the installation of some underground bunkers can reduce the casualties of a large number of people.

Yes, in that magnificent era, the great Chinese began to face the war, I don't know how many factories turned to the mountainous areas where traffic was blocked, and many large cities in the country also excavated underground fortifications.

In 1969, when the Soviet Union wanted to carry out a nuclear strike against China, the chairman proposed a change of home tactic, and the United States and the Soviet Union panicked

However, this has not yet reached the pain point of the Soviets, and we do not know that if the hardliners of the Soviets really encouraged Brezhnev to agree to this plan, then the land of China would really be changed forever.

Chairman Mao was thinking, and even said to Premier Zhou: "Can we first come to a 'soldier who does not tire of deception' and 'preemptively seize people'?" Can we throw them both atomic bombs first and make them nervous? ”

Premier Zhou immediately understood the chairman's meaning, he said: "That is, on September 28th and 29th, two atomic bombs were released, and when the Soviet side understood, our National Day was over." "Yes, in the face of such a crisis, Chairman Mao and Premier Zhou are still in danger, thinking of any possible plan.

China and the Soviet Union had reached the brink of war, because their own plans were exposed, and the Soviet leaders considered that attacking China might produce full-scale retaliation, but at that time the Soviet Union had one of its greatest enemies, the United States, and the Soviets were somewhat instigated and began to take détente measures.

At the opportunity of the Soviet Union to go to Vietnam to mourn Ho Chi Minh, the Soviet Union proposed that on the way back to China, it wanted to hold talks with Chinese Premier Zhou Enlai in Beijing, and after careful consideration, the chairman agreed to the Soviet union's request.

On September 11, representatives of China and the Soviet Union met at the airport for three and a half hours, and the atmosphere between China and the Soviet Union had eased during the talks, but after the talks, the Soviet Union quickly changed its attitude and continued to maintain a high-pressure policy toward China.

At this moment, chairman Mao, who was majestic and strategic, did not have the idea of asking the Soviet Union for peace, and when he learned that the reserves of enriched uranium for the manufacture of nuclear bombs in our country were more than enough, the heads of the army also proposed that they could continue to fight back against the Soviet Union while producing!

The Chairman put forward a plan in which he decided not to retaliate against the Soviet Union for nuclear weapons, but to come up with an astonishing strategic plan -- this plan was to gather all of China's field troops and group armies on the Sino-Soviet border, and once the Soviet Union used their nuclear weapons, then the people's army would rush into the territory of the Soviet Union as quickly as possible and attack the Soviet Union in multiple batches and in all directions.

In 1969, when the Soviet Union wanted to carry out a nuclear strike against China, the chairman proposed a change of home tactic, and the United States and the Soviet Union panicked

Not only that, other armed forces must also follow suit with mobility, all armed occupation of Soviet territory, and finally, if the Soviet Union uses nuclear weapons against China, then China will definitely encounter a large area and pollution, then, since the living environment of the Chinese people has been destroyed, there is no way to live, and the people of the whole country will have to move to the Soviet Union!

Since the Soviets have left the Chinese nation with no place to live, they will move China to the Soviet Union, and anyway, they are already facing a desperate situation, so they will live to the death! Anyway, the Communist Party started a guerrilla attack, and how about returning to the mountains again, originally it was a basket to fight the world, and I was not afraid to go all over the world! Do you Soviets dare to hit the atomic bomb on your own soil?

At that time, China was already ready to kill countless people and go to the Soviet Union to live in the earth-shattering plan, and the Central Military Commission and all leading comrades were excited by Chairman Mao's bold idea, and everyone could not imagine that there was such a plan!

But the question that comes to mind is, what about our country's own atomic bomb? Chairman Mao once again put forward a great idea, that is, to hit these nuclear bombs on US military bases in Asia, as long as the Soviet Union hits us, we will fight the United States, then the United States must also join this battlefield.

At that time, even if the United States wants to fight back against us, there is no way, because we are ready to move to the Soviet Union, and we are ready to move to the United States, in other words, as long as the Soviet Union activates nuclear weapons, then we must be prepared for the third world war, and the whole world will not be able to run.

This is the existing "nuclear bundling" strategy in the world now, as long as the country is hit by a nuclear attack, then the nuclear bomb silo will attack all the big cities in the world! That's the end of the world.

Chairman Mao first instructed the whole country to make preparations for the initial avoidance of the atomic bomb, that is, to dig deep holes and accumulate grain, and finally the whole army was ready to rush into the Soviet Union!

In 1969, when the Soviet Union wanted to carry out a nuclear strike against China, the chairman proposed a change of home tactic, and the United States and the Soviet Union panicked

Chairman Mao also told Premier Zhou that the Soviet comrades Brezhnev wanted the Chinese people to sleep badly, and now that it was two o'clock in the morning, we would send the entire contents of this decision of the Central Military Commission to the Soviet Union and annoy them.

One link in this strategy is not yet complete, and one more country needs to know the news, and that is the United States. Since China and the United States did not establish diplomatic relations at that time, and the two countries were still in hostile relations, the news was sent to Poland, which has good Sino-US relations, that is, the resumption of the "Sino-US ambassadorial Warsaw Talks" that have been stagnant for two years, which they will pass on to the United States.

At this point, the two superpowers knew about this unconventional strategy, and the United States and the Soviet Union, knowing the decisiveness and resoluteness shown by Chairman Mao when the volunteers participated in the Korean War, believed that this strategy was really possible to be launched!

After receiving the news from China, Kosygin, then chairman of the Joint Conference on Defense of the Soviet Union, rushed into Brezhnev's residence in a panic, and the Soviet marshals and generals hurriedly gathered together to discuss what to do.

And the United States is also meeting in a hundred thousand fires, and they really realize that the Us Western Pacific forces and military bases may really be completely destroyed, the balance of the world will be broken, even Europe will be involved in a terrible war, and the Us mainland will almost certainly be affected.

In 1969, when the Soviet Union wanted to carry out a nuclear strike against China, the chairman proposed a change of home tactic, and the United States and the Soviet Union panicked

The United States decided to side with China, and to be fast, resolute, and racing against the clock, the United States came up with a trump card that had never been used before — the Soviet code that had been deciphered during the Cuban Missile Crisis in 1962, and if the Soviet Union launched a nuclear strike, it would launch a nuclear bomb at 134 cities, military points, transportation hubs, and all heavy industrial bases in the Soviet union itself!

Moreover, the Soviet Union also observed that China's missiles were also in a state of war, and all ground guidance stations were opened.

Brezhnev did not believe that the United States would side with China, and then Ambassador Dobrynin on the other side of the ocean reported to him the extremely bad news that Kissinger had made it clear that the United States would never sit idly by, that the United States would see a nuclear strike on China as the beginning of World War III, and that at that time, the United States would first enter the war.

Brezhnev also knew that the Soviet Union would be subjected to plans for nuclear retaliation by more than 130 American cities and military bases, and after listening to it, Brezhnev shouted almost angrily: "The Americans have betrayed us!" ”

In 1969, when the Soviet Union wanted to carry out a nuclear strike against China, the chairman proposed a change of home tactic, and the United States and the Soviet Union panicked

Moreover, just before the National Day, China also tested two nuclear warheads as scheduled, and the seismic monitoring stations and satellites of the United States and the Soviet Union received signals for this explosion.

The Soviets were really scared, and they restarted the negotiations.

In this way, this time the Soviet Union's nuclear threat to our country slowly dissipated, and our leaders curbed the threat of the superpowers to our country with unimaginable majesty and grandeur, so that the Chinese nation would no longer be afraid of the blackmail of others.

In 1969, when the Soviet Union wanted to carry out a nuclear strike against China, the chairman proposed a change of home tactic, and the United States and the Soviet Union panicked

(End of full text)

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