


捕鸟人和毒蛇(Bird catchers and poisonous snakes)



The bird catcher went out to catch birds with glue and stick rod. He saw a bird perching on a big tree and wanted to catch it. So he lengthened the stick, raised his head and stared at the bird in the sky. While he was so absorbed, he unconsciously stepped on a cobra lying at his feet. The snake immediately turned around and bit him hard. He was poisoned by a snake. Before he died, he said to himself, "I'm really unlucky. I just wanted to catch others, but I was hurt and lost my life."

Moral: those who want to plot against others will encounter disaster first.

老马(Old horse)



An old horse was sold for grinding. When he was put on the yoke, he said sadly, "I rushed from the racetrack to such an end."

Moral: people may encounter hardships in old age.


马、牛、狗和人(Horses, cattle, dogs and people)



Zeus created man and gave him intelligence instead of longevity. In winter, people build houses for themselves and live in them comfortably. One day, the weather was unusually cold and rainy. The horse couldn't stand the cold any longer, so he ran to the man and asked him to stay in the house to avoid the cold. People say that a horse will not be allowed in unless it agrees to give part of its life to people. Ma happily agreed. Soon after, the cow couldn't stand the cold winter and ran to find someone. The man also said that unless the cow can give part of its life to people, it will not be taken in. After giving part of its life, the cow was taken in. Finally, the dog was almost frozen to death, and came to give part of his life to people and get shelter. In this way, people are pure and kind in the years given by Zeus; When the horse is old, he will boast and boast and be pretentious; At niugei's age, he began his career; When the dog is old, he is easy to lose his temper and make a lot of noise.

Moral: it is suitable for the stubborn old man who likes to lose his temper.

马与马夫(Horses, cattle, dogs and people)



马和驴(Horses and donkeys)



A horse was showing off his exquisite horse ornaments on the road when he suddenly met a donkey full of goods. The donkey had to make way slowly because the goods were too heavy. The horse said arrogantly, "I can't wait to kick you." the donkey didn't care, but silently prayed for God's blessing. Soon, the horse suffered from asthma and was sent back to the farm by its owner. When the donkey saw the horse dragging the dung cart, he sneered at him and said, "arrogant thing, where is your gorgeous horse ornament now? How did you become so unlucky?"

Moral: people should not be arrogant because of their temporary glory and wealth.

