

usage: docker [options] command [arg...]

 -h=[unix:///var/run/docker.sock]: tcp://host:port to bind/connect to or unix://path/to/socket to use

a self-sufficient runtime for linux containers.


    attach    attach to a running container

    build     build a container from a dockerfile

    commit    create a new image from a container‘s changes

    cp        copy files/folders from the containers filesystem to the host path

    diff      inspect changes on a container‘s filesystem

    events    get real time events from the server

    export    stream the contents of a container as a tar archive

    history   show the history of an image

    images    list images

    import    create a new filesystem image from the contents of a tarball

    info      display system-wide information

    insert    insert a file in an image

    inspect   return low-level information on a container

    kill      kill a running container

    load      load an image from a tar archive

    login     register or login to the docker registry server

    logs      fetch the logs of a container

    port      lookup the public-facing port which is nat-ed to private_port

    ps        list containers

    pull      pull an image or a repository from the docker registry server

    push      push an image or a repository to the docker registry server

    restart   restart a running container

    rm        remove one or more containers

    rmi       remove one or more images

    run       run a command in a new container

    save      save an image to a tar archive

    search    search for an image in the docker index

    start     start a stopped container

    stop      stop a running container

    tag       tag an image into a repository

    top       lookup the running processes of a container

    version   show the docker version information

    wait      block until a container stops, then print its exit code