
Animated progress view with CAGradientLayer(带翻译)<待更新>

Animated progress view with CAGradientLayer(带翻译)<待更新>

pretty straightforward. if you parent the view and run it in the simulator you’ll see our view has a horizontal gradient with all the colors in the spectrum.

next, to create the moving effect we can cycle the colors in the <code>colors</code> array and use a layer animation. a single animation will move one color and repeat the process when finished. the next two methods will do the trick.



to add the indication of progress, we can use a simple layer mask to block out portions of our gradient. add the following two properties to your header file:


be sure to <code>@synthesize</code> and then append the following to your <code>initwithframe:</code>


this creates a zero width mask, covering the entire view. the color of the mask doesn’t matter here but it is required to work properly. now when our <code>progress</code> is updated we want to expand the width of the mask to reflect the value. override the <code>setprogress:</code> method to contain the following:


now when our <code>progress</code> value is set, we make sure it’s within the 0.0 to 1.0 range and invalidate the layout. then in the next call to<code>layoutsubviews</code> we resize the mask based on its new value.
