




mysqlbinlog -vvv /home/mysql/data3006/mysql/mysql-bin.000004 >/tmp/master.log.20120925


grep “###” master.log.20120925 | grep “delete from master.agentgroup” -a 15 >/tmp/xx.log

[email protected] # more /tmp/xx.log

### delete from master.del_table

### where

### @1=15 /* int meta=0 nullable=0 is_null=0 */

### @2=1 /* int meta=0 nullable=0 is_null=0 */

### @3=2010-09-07 18:03:13 /* datetime meta=0 nullable=0 is_null=0 */

### @4=1 /* int meta=0 nullable=0 is_null=0 */

### @5=2012-09-24 01:13:56 /* datetime meta=0 nullable=0 is_null=0 */

### @6=’yahoo_yst’ /* varstring(384) meta=384 nullable=0 is_null=0 */

### @7=5259 /* int meta=0 nullable=1 is_null=0 */

### @8=22 /* int meta=0 nullable=1 is_null=0 */

### @9=b’0′ /* bit(1) meta=1 nullable=0 is_null=0 */

### @10=b’1′ /* bit(1) meta=1 nullable=0 is_null=0 */

### @11=null /* bit(1) meta=0 nullable=1 is_null=1 */

### @12=b’0′ /* bit(1) meta=1 nullable=1 is_null=0 */

### @13=18170 /* int meta=0 nullable=1 is_null=0 */


delete from master.del_table


@1=15 /* int meta=0 nullable=0 is_null=0 */

@2=1 /* int meta=0 nullable=0 is_null=0 */

@3=2010-09-07 18:03:13 /* datetime meta=0 nullable=0 is_null=0 */

@4=1 /* int meta=0 nullable=0 is_null=0 */

@5=2012-09-24 01:13:56 /* datetime meta=0 nullable=0 is_null=0 */

@6=’yahoo_yst’ /* varstring(384) meta=384 nullable=0 is_null=0 */

@7=5259 /* int meta=0 nullable=1 is_null=0 */

@8=22 /* int meta=0 nullable=1 is_null=0 */

@9=b’0′ /* bit(1) meta=1 nullable=0 is_null=0 */

@10=b’1′ /* bit(1) meta=1 nullable=0 is_null=0 */

@11=null /* bit(1) meta=0 nullable=1 is_null=1 */

@12=b’0′ /* bit(1) meta=1 nullable=1 is_null=0 */

@13=18170 /* int meta=0 nullable=1 is_null=0 */


[email protected] # sed -i ‘s/\*\//\*\/,/g’ /tmp/xx.log

@1=15 /* int meta=0 nullable=0 is_null=0 */,

@2=1 /* int meta=0 nullable=0 is_null=0 */,

@3=2010-09-07 18:03:13 /* datetime meta=0 nullable=0 is_null=0 */,

@4=1 /* int meta=0 nullable=0 is_null=0 */,

@5=2012-09-24 01:13:56 /* datetime meta=0 nullable=0 is_null=0 */,

@6=’yahoo_yst’ /* varstring(384) meta=384 nullable=0 is_null=0 */,

@7=5259 /* int meta=0 nullable=1 is_null=0 */,

@8=22 /* int meta=0 nullable=1 is_null=0 */,

@9=b’0′ /* bit(1) meta=1 nullable=0 is_null=0 */,

@10=b’1′ /* bit(1) meta=1 nullable=0 is_null=0 */,

@11=null /* bit(1) meta=0 nullable=1 is_null=1 */,

@12=b’0′ /* bit(1) meta=1 nullable=1 is_null=0 */,

@13=18170 /* int meta=0 nullable=1 is_null=0 */,



sed -i ‘s/delete/;delete/g’ /tmp/xx.log

;delete from master.del_table

b.delete 前的’,;’替换为’;’:

vi /tmp/xx.log —–>:%s/,$\n^ ;/;/g

@1=29 /* int meta=0 nullable=0 is_null=0 */,

@5=2012-06-01 13:05:00 /* datetime meta=0 nullable=0 is_null=0 */,

@6=’alipay_front_jx’ /* varstring(384) meta=384 nullable=0 is_null=0 */,

@7=5267 /* int meta=0 nullable=1 is_null=0 */,

@8=58 /* int meta=0 nullable=1 is_null=0 */,

@13=null /* bit(1) meta=0 nullable=1 is_null=1 */


6.最后将delete from table xx where 改为insert into xx values(”,”,”,”…..)既可以;

通过上面的6个步骤就可以从binlog中恢复出删除的数据,看上去很繁琐,所以parse_binlog 工具就产生了,这个工具是@俊达 所写,可以将row模式的binlog转换为对应的sql语句:

mysql> use t1

database changed

mysql> delete from t1 where id<12;

query ok, 2 rows affected (0.00 sec)

mysqlbinlog -vvv /home/mysql/data3006/mysql/mysql-bin.000004 |/root/parse_binlog.pl >/tmp/parse.sql1

more /tmp/parse/sql1

–dml type: delete, num of cols: 2

replace into t1.t1 values ( 10 , ‘ni hao1’);

replace into t1.t1 values ( 11 , ‘ni hao1’);


最近@plinux已经完成该mysql闪回方案的补丁,在row模式的binlog下,记录了每个row的完整信息,insert会包含每个字段的值,delete也会包含每个字段的值,update会在set和where部分包含所有的字段值。因此binlog就是个完整的逻辑redo,把它的操作逆过来,就是需要的“undo”;@吴炳锡 这个好人已经把他编译好了放在开源社区上,可以在这里下载:

mysql> show master logs;


| log_name | file_size |

| mysql-bin.000004 | 2293035 |

mysql> delete from t1 where id=15;

query ok, 1 row affected (0.00 sec)

| mysql-bin.000004 | 2293211 |

[email protected] # ./mysqlbinlog.txt -v –base64-output=decode-rows -b –start-position=2293035 /home/mysql/data3006/mysql/mysql-bin.000004 >/tmp/1.sql

[email protected] # more /tmp/1.sql

delimiter ;

#121004 19:59:35 server id 3703006010 end_log_pos 2293211 xid = 13145226


#121004 19:59:35 server id 3703006010 end_log_pos 2293143 table_map: `t1`.`t1` mapped to number 1584

#121004 19:59:35 server id 3703006010 end_log_pos 2293184 delete_rows: table id 1584 flags: stmt_end_f

### insert into t1.t1

### set

### @1=15

### @2=’ni xxx’
