
超级英雄之父:斯坦·李 - Stan Lee


本文的内容摘录自全球最大出版集团企鹅出版旗下著名童书品牌Grosset &Dunlap出品《Who Was》系列。传记的作者均为美国当代著名童书作家和著名童书插画师,影响力和关注度极高。这套书覆盖的优秀人物众多,目前已经出版了120多本。

超级英雄之父:斯坦·李 - Stan Lee

《Who Was》系列 Grosset &Dunlap出品


超级英雄之父:斯坦·李 - Stan Lee

作者:Geoff Edgers 出版:Grosset & Dunlap

Who Was Stan Lee?

Martin Goodman, the publisher of Timely Comics in New York City, didn’t know what to do with the teenager. But the boy was his wife’s cousin and she had asked Goodman to hire him. So, just like that, Stanley Martin Lieber was working in the middle of the Golden Age of Comics. As a boy, Stan spent hours curled up with comic books. Now, he was part of that world!


纽约时代漫画公司的出版商Martin Goodman(马丁·古德曼)不知道该拿这个少年怎么办。但这孩子是他妻子的侄儿,她要求Goodman雇用他。就这样,Stanley Martin Lieber(斯坦利·马丁·利伯)在漫画黄金时代的中期开始工作。斯坦利还是个孩子的时候,会花好几个小时蜷缩在漫画书里。现在,他成了那个世界的一部分!

Superheroes were everywhere at Timely. The Human Torch fought bad guys with fire. Namor the SubMariner could fly and breathe underwater, and he was as strong as a thousand men. Captain America began life as a scrawny art student, but turned into a superhero after the US government recruited him for the Super Soldier project.

超级英雄无处不在:霹雳火(The Human Torch)发射火焰对抗坏人。会飞的海底人纳摩能在水下自由呼吸,他像拥有千人的力量。美国队长一开始是一个骨瘦如肉的艺术系学生,但在美国政府招募他参加“超级战士”计划后,他变成了超级英雄。

超级英雄之父:斯坦·李 - Stan Lee

霹雳火Human Torch 图片来源:Marvel Comics

超级英雄之父:斯坦·李 - Stan Lee

海底人纳摩Namor 图片来源:Marvel Comics

At first, Stan kept to himself. The artists at Timely were a little scary. They were all older, smoked big cigars, and yelled at each other all day long. What was there for a seventeen-year-old kid from the Bronx to do?


Young Stanley Lieber ran to the deli for sandwiches at lunchtime and made sure the artists’ inkwells were full. But he wasn’t going to waste a lifetime fetching coffee and answering phones. He had dreams. He was a writer. He wanted to tell stories and maybe someday write the great American novel.


超级英雄之父:斯坦·李 - Stan Lee

买三明治和咖啡的路上 图片来源:Who Was Stan Lee

One day, two of Timely Comics’ top managers both got angry and quit their jobs. Mr. Goodman needed someone to run the office while he was taking naps or playing golf. He called Stan over and offered him the job.


That’s when Stanley Lieber became Stan Lee. In the next half century, he would help create some of America’s most famous superheroes, including Spider-Man, Iron Man, Hulk, and the X-Men. He wasn’t the only person who made comic books for a living, but Stan Lee was the best.


超级英雄之父:斯坦·李 - Stan Lee


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