
城关镇:发展羊肚菌特色种植 助力群众增收致富

{"info":{"title":{"content":"城关镇:发展羊肚菌特色种植 助力群众增收致富","en":"Chengguan Town: Develop the characteristic planting of morel mushrooms to help the masses increase their income and get rich"},"description":{"content":"“选准一个产业、带动一方群众”。今年以来,城关镇按照“11354”瓜菜产业发展思路,大力推广“三元双向”循环农业发展模式...","en":"\"Choose an industry and drive the masses\". Since the beginning of this year, Chengguan Town has vigorously promoted the \"three-way two-way\" circular agricultural development model in accordance with the \"11354\" melon and vegetable industry development ideas..."}},"items":[]}