

{"info":{"title":{"content":"“铁穹”消耗殆尽,对手亮出新武器!以军苦战七个多月终于慌神了","en":"The Iron Dome is depleted, and the opponent shows off his new weapons! The Israeli army fought hard for more than seven months, and finally panicked"},"description":{"content":"虽然国际社会极力反对,连美国盟友都不得不转变姿态,但是以色列军方仍然决绝地对加沙南部拉法和北部关键区域发起进攻。为了向内...","en":"Despite strong opposition from the international community and a reversal of posture by US allies, the Israeli military has resolutely launched an offensive against Rafah in southern Gaza and key areas in the north. In order to look inward..."}},"items":[]}