

{"info":{"title":{"content":"俄军摧毁乌一指挥所,泽连斯基到访哈尔科夫:已展开反击","en":"The Russian army destroyed a command post in Ukraine, Zelensky visited Kharkiv: a counterattack has been launched"},"description":{"content":"俄乌战事持续,双方在乌克兰第二大城市哈尔科夫附近爆发激战。俄军称16日炸毁乌军指挥所,数十名乌军士兵死亡。乌克兰总统泽连...","en":"The war between Russia and Ukraine continues, and fierce fighting has broken out between the two sides near Kharkiv, Ukraine's second largest city. The Russian army said that it blew up the command post of the Ukrainian army on the 16th, and dozens of Ukrainian soldiers died. Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelen..."}},"items":[]}