
华为否认大模型演示造假;QQ大一统NT架构;李彦宏:目前百度搜索上已有11%的搜索结果由AI生成 | 极客头条

{"info":{"title":{"content":"华为否认大模型演示造假;QQ大一统NT架构;李彦宏:目前百度搜索上已有11%的搜索结果由AI生成 | 极客头条","en":"Huawei denies that the large-scale model demonstration is fake; QQ unified NT architecture; Robin Li: At present, 11% of the search results on Baidu search have been generated by AI | Geek headlines"},"description":{"content":"「极客头条」——技术人员的新闻圈!CSDN的读者朋友们好,「极客头条」来啦,快来看今天都有哪些值得我们技术人关注的重要新...","en":"\"Geek Headlines\" - the news circle of technologists! Hello CSDN readers, \"Geek Headlines\" is here, come and see what important new products are worthy of our technical people's attention today..."}},"items":[]}