

{"info":{"title":{"content":"45分大胜进抢七!华子27+4创纪录,穆雷10分,约基奇22+9有苦难言","en":"45 points to win and tie seven! Huazi set a record of 27+4, Murray scored 10 points, and Jokic 22+9 had a hard time"},"description":{"content":"北京时间5月17日森林狼主场对阵掘金,全场比赛结束森林狼以115-70成功击败了掘金。森林狼在这轮系列赛打出2-0后是连...","en":"On May 17, Beijing time, the Timberwolves played at home against the Nuggets, and the Timberwolves successfully defeated the Nuggets 115-70 at the end of the game. The Timberwolves went 2-0 in this series and were in a row."}},"items":[]}