
西山青种枇杷即将大量上市 多措并举拓展销售渠道

{"info":{"title":{"content":"西山青种枇杷即将大量上市 多措并举拓展销售渠道","en":"Xishan green loquat is about to be listed in large quantities, and multiple measures will be taken to expand sales channels"},"description":{"content":"视频加载中...近日,西山青种枇杷陆续开始采摘。当地积极拓展销售渠道、加大宣传营销,确保果农增产增收。今年,金庭镇枇杷种...","en":"Loading... Recently, the loquat of Xishan green seed has begun to be picked one after another. The local government actively expands sales channels and increases publicity and marketing to ensure that fruit farmers increase production and income. This year, the loquat species in Jinting Town..."}},"items":[]}