

{"info":{"title":{"content":"有定力、有梦想的广汽本田,坚守本真在智电路上行稳致远","en":"Guangqi Honda, which has determination and dreams, adheres to its true nature and makes steady progress in the intelligent circuit"},"description":{"content":"【导语:当下,在资本裹挟下的快消式造车以及不择手段制造流量的“网红车”,虽然能够快速吸睛,一时风光,但浮躁的背后留下诸多...","en":"[Introduction: At present, the fast-moving consumer cars under the coercion of capital and the \"Internet celebrity cars\" that create traffic by unscrupulous means, although they can quickly attract attention and be beautiful for a while, but there are many behind the impetuousness..."}},"items":[]}