

{"info":{"title":{"content":"财经早参丨道指站上4万点;楼市40年最宽松政策出台,一中概股涨300%;证监会等四部门:依法从严打击;这家公司过会13年后撤回IPO","en":"The Dow stood at 40,000 points; The most relaxed policy in the property market in 40 years was introduced, and a Chinese concept stock rose by 300%; Four departments including the China Securities Regulatory Commission: crack down strictly in accordance with the law; The company withdrew its IPO after 13 years"},"description":{"content":"每经编辑:陈鹏程,王晓波NO.1市场消息美股三大指数收盘涨跌不一,道指涨0.34%站上40000点,本周累计上涨1.24...","en":"Per editor: Chen Pengcheng, Wang Xiaobo NO.1 Market newsThe three major U.S. stock indexes closed mixed, the Dow rose 0.34% to stand above 40,000 points, and the cumulative increase this week was 1.24..."}},"items":[]}