

{"info":{"title":{"content":"巡回赛23冠三大赛4冠!丁俊晖问鼎亚洲第一,中国龙稳居历史前十","en":"23 championships on the tour, 4 championships in three major tournaments! Ding Junhui ranked first in Asia, and China's dragon ranked among the top ten in history"},"description":{"content":"在世界斯诺克巡回赛中,丁俊晖绝对是最受欢迎的亚洲球员,而他也是斯诺克领域中成就排名前十的球员。虽说丁俊晖目前已经在英国获...","en":"In the World Snooker Tour, Ding Junhui is definitely the most popular Asian player, and he is also the top 10 players in the field of snooker. Although Ding Junhui has been awarded in the UK..."}},"items":[]}