

{"info":{"title":{"content":"辽篮夺冠在望!2米08大魔王助力,付豪闪耀全场,张镇麟成陪衬","en":"Liao Basket is in sight to win the championship! With the help of the 2.08 meter big devil, Fu Hao shined all over the audience, and Zhang Zhenlin became a foil"},"description":{"content":"各位球迷朋友们,大家好!昨晚CBA总决赛首战可真是打得火热啊!辽宁男篮以121-112力克新疆男篮,赢得开门红,真是让人...","en":"Hello fans! Last night's first game of the CBA Finals was really hot! The Liaoning men's basketball team defeated the Xinjiang men's basketball team 121-112 and won a good start."}},"items":[]}