

{"info":{"title":{"content":"周杰伦哭了!一场演唱会,万千情感汇聚,天王泪洒舞台成永恒!","en":"Jay Chou cried! A concert, thousands of emotions converge, and the king's tears are spilled on the stage for eternity!"},"description":{"content":"5月16日晚,星光璀璨的舞台上,一个熟悉而独特的身影再次点亮了福州的夜空。那是周杰伦,华语乐坛的传奇,无数人心中的音乐英...","en":"On the evening of May 16, on the star-studded stage, a familiar and unique figure once again lit up the night sky of Fuzhou. That's Jay Chou, a legend in the Chinese music scene, a music hero in the hearts of countless people..."}},"items":[]}