

{"info":{"title":{"content":"告别美利坚!重返故土,华人群体掀起回国潮,他们透露出哪些信息","en":"Farewell to America! Returning to their homeland, the Chinese community set off a wave of returning to China, what information did they reveal"},"description":{"content":"在陌生的异国他乡,即便拥有财富地位,也终归会有一种漂泊无根的惆怅感。祖国的呼唤声,便如同穿越万水千山的归乡曲,在游子们心...","en":"In a strange foreign land, even if you have wealth and status, you will eventually have a sense of melancholy that you are wandering and rootless. The call of the motherland is like a homecoming song through thousands of rivers and mountains, in the hearts of wanderers..."}},"items":[]}