
8连胜 34场不败!曼城超阿森纳登顶,热刺无缘欧冠,皇马5-0狂胜

{"info":{"title":{"content":"8连胜 34场不败!曼城超阿森纳登顶,热刺无缘欧冠,皇马5-0狂胜","en":"8 wins in a row and 34 games undefeated! Manchester City surpassed Arsenal to the top, Tottenham Hotspur missed the Champions League, and Real Madrid won 5-0"},"description":{"content":"曼城队这回真是打得火热,直接把热刺队给按在地上摩擦,2-0的比分可不是随便说说而已。你想想,这已经是他们的第8场连胜了,...","en":"Manchester City played really hotly this time, directly pressing Tottenham Hotspur to the ground and rubbing it, and the 2-0 score was not just casual talk. Come to think of it, this is their eighth winning streak,..."}},"items":[]}