

{"info":{"title":{"content":"72岁老汉独自操办后事,造棺木拍遗像,穿上寿衣,喝下农药咽气","en":"The 72-year-old man handled the funeral alone, made a coffin to take a portrait, put on a shroud, and drank pesticides"},"description":{"content":"生死一瞬:72岁老汉的自我告别在寂静的乡村深处,一位72岁的老汉独自坐在破旧的木屋里,窗外的阳光透过缝隙洒在他苍老的脸庞...","en":"A moment of life and death: a 72-year-old man's self-farewell In the depths of the silent countryside, a 72-year-old man sits alone in a dilapidated wooden house, the sunlight outside the window shining through the gap on his old face..."}},"items":[]}