

{"info":{"title":{"content":"四大出了名的奸臣贪官,一个留下一个家喻户晓的成语","en":"Four well-known traitors and corrupt officials, one left a well-known idiom"},"description":{"content":"在中国漫长的历史长河中,不乏那些权倾朝野、一手遮天的奸臣。他们或因权欲熏心,或因贪婪无度,或因结党营私,最终都留下了深刻...","en":"In China's long history, there are many traitors who lean towards the government and the opposition and cover the sky with one hand. They are either consumed by the lust for power, or because of greed, or because of cliques and selfishness, and in the end they all leave a deep impression..."}},"items":[]}