

{"info":{"title":{"content":"清准之战持续80年之久?1757年最后一战后,为啥准噶尔成了个地名","en":"The Battle of Qingzhun lasted for 80 years? After the last war in 1757, Dzungaria became a place name"},"description":{"content":"清朝统一天下的过程中,最难搞定的对手,未必就是闯王李自成,也不是张献忠、南明小朝廷等集团,应该就是准噶尔汗国。为啥呢?第...","en":"In the process of unifying the world in the Qing Dynasty, the most difficult opponent to deal with was not necessarily Li Zicheng, the king of Chuang, nor Zhang Xianzhong, the small court of the Southern Ming Dynasty and other groups, but the Dzungar Khanate. Why? Clause..."}},"items":[]}