

{"info":{"title":{"content":"臧天朔成也《朋友》败也朋友,400万债务,妻子母亲都被拉下水","en":"Zang Tianshuo Cheng's \"Friend\" also lost his friend, with a debt of 4 million, and his wife and mother were all pulled into the water"},"description":{"content":"一、一代摇滚巨匠臧天朔溘然离世之谜正当2018年之际,关于臧天朔在家中因病辞世的噩耗犹如沉雷在整个音乐界激起波澜。臧天朔...","en":"1. The mystery of the sudden death of a generation of rock giant Zang Tianshuo In 2018, the bad news about Zang Tianshuo's death due to illness at home is like a thunderbolt that has caused waves in the entire music industry. Zang Tianshuo..."}},"items":[]}