

{"info":{"title":{"content":"双流艺中,艺塑人生!名家进校园,启迪智慧,点燃激情!","en":"In Shuangliu Art, Art shapes life! Famous experts enter the campus, enlighten wisdom and ignite passion!"},"description":{"content":"4月22日,四川省双流艺体中学第4期“艺塑人生”大讲堂活动在明德楼三楼学术厅举行。中国作家协会会员、国家一级作家凌仕江带...","en":"On April 22, the 4th \"Art Shaping Life\" lecture hall of Sichuan Shuangliu Art and Sports Middle School was held in the academic hall on the third floor of Mingde Building. Ling Shijiang, a member of the Chinese Writers Association and a national first-class writer..."}},"items":[]}