
谁还没打卡华强北?早已焕新到next level…

{"info":{"title":{"content":"谁还没打卡华强北?早已焕新到next level…","en":"谁还没打卡华强北?早已焕新到next level…"},"description":{"content":"深视新闻按近日,市委书记孟凡利到罗湖区调研时提出,要更加奋发有为加快构建现代化产业体系,下大力气抓好电子、珠宝、服装、家...","en":"According to the recent news, Meng Fanli, secretary of the Municipal Party Committee, proposed when he went to Luohu District to investigate, we should be more energetic and promising, accelerate the construction of a modern industrial system, and make great efforts to do a good job in electronics, jewelry, clothing, and home..."}},"items":[]}