

{"info":{"title":{"content":"300万,再见快船!始终是把双刃剑,承认吧,你拿底薪怪不了别人","en":"3 million, goodbye Clippers! It's always a double-edged sword, admit it, you can't blame others for taking the basic salary"},"description":{"content":"天王山之战,坐镇主场,快船居然输了独行侠整整30分,快船整体球员投篮命中率低迷,全场只有祖巴茨状态在线,拿下15分6篮板...","en":"In the battle of Tianwang Mountain, sitting at home, the Clippers actually lost to the Mavericks by a full 30 points, and the shooting rate of the Clippers as a whole player was sluggish, and only Zubac was online in the whole game, scoring 15 points and 6 rebounds..."}},"items":[]}