

{"info":{"title":{"content":"10年生6子的令妃棺材被打开,专家勘察尸体发现异物:乾隆真狠心","en":"The coffin of Concubine Ling, who gave birth to 6 sons in 10 years, was opened, and experts investigated the corpse and found a foreign body: Qianlong was really ruthless"},"description":{"content":"18世纪中叶,清朝乾隆皇帝的统治是中国历史上的一个高峰时期。乾隆皇帝,名弘历,是康熙皇帝的孙子,雍正皇帝的第四子,他的统...","en":"In the mid-18th century, the reign of Emperor Qianlong of the Qing Dynasty was a peak period in Chinese history. Emperor Qianlong, whose name is Hongli, is the grandson of Emperor Kangxi and the fourth son of Emperor Yongzheng."}},"items":[]}