

{"info":{"title":{"content":"男子被朋友诈骗11万!借酒浇愁欲从22楼跳下","en":"The man was defrauded of 110,000 yuan by a friend, and he wanted to jump from the 22nd floor with wine"},"description":{"content":"据山东济宁消防消息近日,济宁消防救援支队指挥中心接到报警一男子爬上22层的楼外平台欲轻生消防员到场后经询问得知男子被朋友...","en":"According to Shandong Jining Fire News, recently, the command center of the Jining Fire and Rescue Detachment received an alarm: a man climbed the 22-story platform outside the building to commit suicide, and after the firefighters arrived at the scene, they learned that the man was killed by a friend..."}},"items":[]}