

{"info":{"title":{"content":"梅大高速塌方后续:已致24死30伤,伤者身份确认,网友:希望平安","en":"Meida Expressway Collapse Follow-up: 24 dead and 30 injured have been caused, the identity of the injured has been confirmed, netizens: I hope to be safe"},"description":{"content":"视频加载中...一场突如其来的意外,让19个无辜的生命戛然而止。我们在祈祷数字不再增加,但噩耗还是来了,最新消息,梅大高...","en":"Loading... A sudden accident brought the lives of 19 innocent people to an abrupt end. We are praying that the numbers will not increase again, but the bad news is still coming, the latest news, Mei Dagao..."}},"items":[]}