

{"info":{"title":{"content":"中超最新积分榜:仅9轮就看出争冠和亚冠趋势,呈5+4+2+5格局","en":"The latest standings of the Chinese Super League: Only 9 rounds have seen the trend of competing for the championship and the AFC Champions League, showing a pattern of 5+4+2+5"},"description":{"content":"中超联赛第9轮比赛已经全部结束。我们先迅速浏览一下8场比赛的赛果。4月30日的4场比赛中,山东泰山3:1南通支云;天津津...","en":"The 9th round of the Chinese Super League has all ended. Let's take a quick look at the results of the eight races. In the four games on April 30, Shandong Taishan 3:1 Nantong Zhiyun;"}},"items":[]}